10 months old……………
OK, so my baby was 10 whole months old on Sunday.
10 months!
He is:
- Walking while holding onto things. He has let go a couple of times and stood all wobbly for a few seconds before landing on his butt. Sooo cute.
- Crawling like he’s racing. It’s hilarious how he tries to out run me on his knees.
- Trying to walk, which results in various falls, spills and freak out Mama moments. He fell off of the bed the other night and I swear I lost it. The only thing that would come out of my mouth was “OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!”. Of course, he was cranky and I watched him like a hawk for the rest of the day and wouldn’t let him nap which led to a crankier baby…….
- Anyway! He is interested in everything. EVEYTHING! And it all has to go in his mouth after a detailed inspection. It’s like tasting it is the final test to see if it’s worthy!
- Getting into everything. I swear, if I have to say no one more time!!!!!! I need a fence just to block off all of our electronics.
- Saying Ma Ma…But he only says it as a last resort. Like when he can’t get what he wants any other way, or when he’s desperate, all of a sudden, it’s Ma Ma! SMH
- Hungry hungry and more hungry
- But only breastfeeding about twice a day: when he wakes up and some random time during the middle of the day. Otherwise, he’s not interested in me. It’s all about the bottle and that damn formula. Oh well. At least he’s not starving.
- Sleeping through the night most nights!!! Hallelu-yer!
Yay for 10 months! 🙂 They grow so fast. Any plans for Pookah #2?? 😉 Maybe a vacations surprise hehehehe!!
Look at ThePookah!! He’s going to be walking before you know it! 🙂
Ummmm, no Pookah number two. I took my pill dilligently EVERYday while on vacation!!!!!
he’s such a cutie! i love his little cheecks