Reading is Fundamental


Children are amazing.

Pookah picked out this book about a month ago when we went to Marshall’s. (Excellent selection of cheap children’s books by the way).

He loves this book, and C-Dub or I read it to him EVERY day at least twice a day.

It was nap time when I snapped this photo. I told him to go get a book (knowing which one he would choose) and as I was snapping this picture, I was amazed at what was coming out of his mouth.

He knew the words.

He’s not reading (if he was, we would be somewhere dancing and plotting his full scholarship ride to Harvard. Wait..I’m plotting his full scholarship way to Harvard anyway).

But he knows what happens on every page.  Enough to tell ME the story!

It was so sweet, so cute, and of course, I swear my child is soooo smart. 🙂

But it reinforced to me the thought that reading those bedtimes have a big impact on children.  My cousin who has a child around Pookah’s age has always laughed at me for reading to him since he was a baby. Why? She would ask? He doesn’t get it. Why bother?

At which time I went off on her because this is one of the reasons why her child doesn’t speak as well as Pookah and why a  lot of children out there( including her older kids) can’t read at grade level, and spend more time on their butts watching stupid ass Sponge Bob and playing video games because you can’t take the time away from your Facebook page or your baby daddy #3 to spend 10 minutes READING  to your child!

But I digress…..

Back to Pookah. He does get it.  He understands.  I see it every time I read to him and he knows what’s coming next.  When its the first time reading a book and he constantly asks “what’s that?, what’s that?” And I’m patient with him, even though I want to rush through so he will go to sleep. Because it’s important. Because he’s getting it.

And so I will keep reading to him. Because that’s what we do around here.


Sweet Shot Day


  1. So sweet!

    Jas gets it too. I love that about her. It shows me she’s gonna do really well in school. I read to her and then I hand the book to her and tell her to read it to me and she does! These babies are so smart!

  2. I love that picture! And I am with you on the whole importance of reading to small children. They really do get it. They really do listen. I read to A now along with N because I know, from experience with N, that starting early matters. They may not be able to tell you that they’ve been paying attention when they’re very small, but when they learn to talk more, they will. And when they do show you/tell you they’ve been listening, that feeling? Well, you stated it well. It’s AMAZING!

  3. I totally agree with your philosophy, reading to your children often exposes them to new things as well. Usually when we start a new book my 3yo asks “what’s that?” throughout the book and he is such a sponge that the next time we read it, he repeats it back to me! Reading is surely fundamental.

  4. I love to read but I admit I hardly ever read to my kids I use to when I had the one but when I got two kids the reading bedtime stories slacked. What’s good though is that my son who can read will read his sister a bedtime story most nights and I sit in the doorway and listen.

  5. I spent hours reading to both of my kids when they were little. My son is 12 now and secretly still likes to be read too… unlike my daughter who gave me my marching orders as a reader when she was about 6, informing me she could read faster if she did it herself!


  6. I agree reading to children early is important. I started reading to mine (twins) at 8 months. My dad said why you reading to them they don’t understand. I kept right on reading. In high school my did a paper and I said the gifts I gave him were writing and reading. He freelance writes now and will be graduating with his masters in the studies of law in a couple of months.

  7. Reading to children is so very important. When Zee was little I not only read her books to her, but some of my magazines as well (appropriate of course). I think it’s great to start it young so that they have a habit of it.

  8. I’m right there with you. I’ve had the same experience with my son. I was amazed at his little two year old self “reading” the book to me.

    He said something to me not too long ago that I hadn’t said to him since he was a baby. I can’t remember what it was but I remember thinking, wow, even as a baby he was taking in everything I said and every song I sang.

    Reading is what we do around here too. Keep it up!!! 🙂

  9. Good for him! And good for you for standing your ground and reading to him at such a young age. Studies have shown that children who are read to at less than 1 year start speaking quicker, and typically learn how to read faster. More parents should do this!

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