30 week appointment

Had my first 2 weeks appointment today.

Everything was good. 

Except I lost 2 pounds.


I’ve been worried that I am going to blow up now that I am home everyday basically eating out of boredom and lying around all day. 

Well……to compensate, I went out to lunch by myself and had mexican.  Hmmmmm fajitas, hmmmmm salsa……..


You know today something dawned on me.  I am not miserable.

It all started this morning when an ex co-worker of mine told me that she is going to become a stay at home mom instead of going back to work(the same place that laid me off).  I thought to myself, hmm.  That’s interesting.  Interesting, because L was always the one who came to visit us every week at work while she was on maternity leave because she was bored at home.  She had her epiphany on Monday when she tried to drop her 6 week old off at day care and couldn’t do it. 

Then, while at the doctor’s today, I was able to make my next 3 appointments(all in the next month, JEEZ!) without a thought to sneaking out of work early or coming in to work late, or squeezing it in on my lunch break.  And then, in the middle of a workday, in the middle of the week, I went to Barnes and Nobles and just chilled.(Got a great breastfeeding book by the way and the Happiest Baby on the Block.)

It was…….nice.

And then, I came home to a relatively clean house. 

Which was even nicer. 

I’ve started to think that maybe my co-worker L is on to something.  Maybe THIS is God’s plan that I’ve been wondering about so much.  I find myself thinking about our budget, and cutting out things we really don’t need.  I could get by on working 1 or two nights at the hospital if I didn’t have to pay for childcare.  C-Dub actually makes almost enough to cover the important stuff. Hmmmmmmmm

Deep thought people.  Deep thoughts.


  1. YAY for 30 Weeks!! 🙂

    I agree with Jammie J, you most definitely sound content and that makes me happy for you!

    Pray on it; God will show you His plan.

  2. Glad your appointment went well! Also nice to have Mexican food 😀 I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom but I guess I first have to get the mom part down. Hope it works out for you if that’s what you decide to do! I bet you’d love it!


  3. I love, love, loved The Happiest Baby on the Block. It totally helped me get through the first couple of months.

    Best of luck to you on your career path.

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