Boardwalk Empire. How did I completely miss this show???? I love the violence, the mob….. #dontjudgeme
Listening To:
Nora Jones. Do you remember her? I loved her first album. I still play it every now and then when I want to feel peaceful. And right now, I need to feel peaceful…..
My Photo wall in my Foyer. It’s my first project for the house and it’s many walls. I’ll show you guys the end result and maybe a tutorial.
Thinking About:
Traveling. I follow a lot of traveling folks on Instagram and it makes me yearn to go somewhere else. I love the beach of course, but I want to see something more. Something ancient. Something like Rome, or Tuscany or Pompeii. Yes, a trip to Italy would be lovely. Think of the ruins. Think of the food. Think of the shopping. Think of the photos. Hmmmmm. Now how can I get there. And don’t forget about my ongoing obsession with New Orleans. Afrobella was there last week and her Instagram feed had me feeling some kind of way. Since going this year is out, I have to plot on next year.
Mardi Gras anyone?
Looking Forward To:
Blogalicious 5! I can’t wait! And yes, I’m going to have one whole night to myself in a hotel even though I live 20 minutes away. Yesssss. Mama is going to get herself a staycation!!!
Nothing. I need suggestions please!
Making me happy:
My Intro To Macro Photography Class on Clickin Moms
It’s not as easy as I thought it would be and I love that my subject does NOT move, does NOT talk back. It’s relaxing because…it just is..
What’s currently going on with you guys?
Hey LaShawn my IG buddy!!! I came over from Kita’s to check out the challenge and tried to participate on IG from my Labor day fitness share.
I am coming to blogalicious, can’t wait to meet. I am not mad at that solo hotel room 🙂 Nice to get away sometimes!
I want to take a class but I want to wait until I have a better camera I am hoping to get that 60D for Mothers day saving my pennies now. Staycation sounds good I need to meet up with all you guys that weekend the money is set aside but my car needs a timing belt and Christmas is coming up so money is saved for that *cries silently*
i need a vacation myself. I’m not reading anything now. I have to get these horrid E. Lynn chapters out of my head space so I came move on to something else lol
EEEEK! One more month till blogalicious! and YAY to a hotel room. I did that for blogher12 and it was just heaven.
LOVE Nora! She does evoke calm and peacefulness.
Can’t wait to see the photo wall and tutorial. I want to do one in our stairwell.
I sooo wanna go to Italy. It has been on my list for at least 5 years now. Need to figure out how to make that happen soon!
This is just beautiful. I love the yellow!!!
I watched the first season of Boardwalk. Very good. But then we fell off of that and Game of Thrones. So many shows, so little time.
I have all 5 Norah Jones cds plus her duets one lol.
I might be using this for a post later this week 🙂
I love doing these posts!! And I keep falling off with all of my shows! The only one I keep up with religiously is Scandal!!!
Haven’t got into Boardwalk Empire, but the visit to the Mob Experience last fall in Las Vegas definitely has me inspired to watch the show. Maybe after my current obession with Doc Martin is over . . .totally forgot about Norah! Look forward to seeing you at Blogalicious =)