
(random macro photography)


SCANDAL. Chile. I get my life back every Thursday night. And I really really need them to release a Scandal Soundtrack.  I mean Mary Jane AND  Nina Simone’s Wild is the Wind? Come on man. That soundtrack would be on repeat EVERY Day!


Listening to:

Nina Simone since last night. I’ve got her greatest hits on repeat on Spotify.



MAYBE. A family trip to California. San Jose/the Bay area to be exact. Cause Cdub has been bugging me to go to San Francisco for 2 years and BlogHer14 is in San Jose.  I mean, we COULD make a week out of it. Think of the pictures, the food, the hills, the bridge and all the pictures that I could take and all I could learn at Blogher14 since they are capping attendance numbers.   But…..

Thinking about:

The fact that Georgia law states that for public school, a child must be 5 by September 1st to attend Kindergarten AND 6 by September first to enter 1st grade. NO EXCEPTIONS.  Do you know what this means?  This means that I must keep my born in November child in private school until he is in the 2nd grade because otherwise, he will have to repeat Pre K  or Kindergarten if I take him out and try a public or charter school.   Do you know what else that means? That means that between tuition for Kindergarten at the private school and the before and aftercare( because we got to work), educating Pookah would cost me more than my mortgage. *weeps* And this is why I think there will only be ONE child in this house. Chile, we can’t afford no more….


Looking forward to:

Christmas. Yes, I know we have still have to get through Halloween and Thanksgiving. But the most wonderful time of the year is approaching. Tell me you don’t feel that Christmas spirit coming….


Nothing new. I need suggestions. Anyone?

Making Me Happy:

Pookah coming home the last few days after the talk exited, happy and telling me that his teacher told him he did an awesome job.  She didn’t do that( to my knowledge) before.  I like the fact that she listened to me.  I like the fact that she took the time to at least see if I was right. The look on his face, the joy in his eyes and the fact that I can see the confidence in him already coming back is just priceless.


What’s currently going on with you?



  1. My mom sacrificed to send me to private school because my birthday as late I wonder if that is why I am the only child….hmmmmm. Scandal I am not even here for the cases anymore I just want to know whats up with this Remington mess.

  2. aww I am so happy that Pookah is happy in class again. That is just such an awesome feeling!! I think I’ve got Blogher mapped out. I’m like 80% a go. I’ve never been to cali and I like to use these conferences as a way to visit new places (and get a break lol) Scandal slayed me, I called the end of the case from the beginning–but that dress that olivia wears next week, was just heart stopping. I can’t wait.

  3. Repeating kindergarten sucks. I’m a Nov. baby, so is RJ, I had to repeat k-5 when we moved to SC from NYC because of my “late” bday. RJ will turn 5 in k-4. He had to spend 1 1/2 years in his toddler class to avoid SC’s same lame rule as GA.
    I’ve wanted to go back to Cali since Hubby and I went in ’08. I’m iffy on the conference but so down for family trip to the west coast!
    Scandal! My heart breaks a little more for Huck every week.
    So, happy Pookah is happy and you didn’t have to shank the teacher to make it happen:)

  4. I’m glad the rules aren’t as strict here in california since Jas misses the cut off too. If shes READY she can move on and I am making sure by next year my 4yr old will be ready for Kinder. Being held back ( like I was) because her bday is late isn’t happening.

  5. I have to get up at 5:30 Friday morning to watch Scandal at 6. It’s worth every minute of none sleep.

    Right now, I’m exercising and hating it. I’m about to try a new hair stylist, let us pray and I’m too tickled that it is now less than 100 of most days.

  6. The school thing is a beast. A similar rule has been implemented here in Cali. From what I hear, the private schools have to follow the rule as well. My son will be starting kindergarten at nearly 6. It sucks. They have a transitional kindergarten after pre-school and before actual kindergarten. Boo hiss!

  7. Ooh so not looking forward to having to decide private school/after care all that stuff….I know it must be difficult. They should really have some exceptions if your child is ready! I’m not an avid scandal watcher but I try to tune in when u can and it is gooood!

  8. I was all excited until you said NoCal! LOL It’s all about Southern California ’round these parts and we’d love to have you!

    You already know how I feel about Scandal. Already.Know. OMG!

    Reading: Right now I’m reading “Lean In” by Sheryl Sanberg and loving it.

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