Day 1 :Allow me to reintroduce myself…….

So I’m supposed to introduce myself.

I’ve decided to come out of the closet.  For this blog. Scary.

(Diana Ross’  “I’m Coming Out” is playing in the background)


I am

Rose's Daughter.....about 20 pounds lighter....

I’m 34 years old

I am married to the love of my life C-Dub for the last 5 years.(or it will be on the 26th of this month)  I met him though an online dating service(yes I did!) We got married one year later, bought a house, and started living the American Dream.  3 years in, I decided(noticed I said I decided) that it was time to have a baby.  Well, we tried and we tried, and we tried.  Finally, after a loooog year of trying, I did get pregnant, only to miscarry at 11 weeks. 

C-Dub and Me

 But, exactly a year later, on Thanksgiving  Day the Pookah was born.  And life has changed for good.

The Pookah

I live in Atlanta, and I am a registered nurse on Labor and Delivery.  I work Part time. At NIGHT.  Even though it’s only 2 nights a week, those two nights are the hardest nights of my life!

I am going natural for the 2nd time in my life.  I don’t know why, but  it’s much harder this time.  My hair seems to have a mind of it’s own. I am also trying to loose the 20 pounds that are left over from my miscarrige and the pregnancy so I can look like that photo above again.  Lord, I miss that top!

I love my mother.  Yes, she is my best friend.  I have to add that because, that’s a big part of who I am….Rose’s Daughter.

Me, my momma and the Pookah

So that’s life right now, I am a wife, a mother, a nurse, my mother’s child and me somewhere in between.  Hope you enjoy reading about it!


  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention My Life » Day 1 :Allow me to reintroduce myself……. --
  2. I usually lurk but since you are re-introducing yourself… Here by way of Mrs. Jones blog. I’m in ATL too.

    I can so relate to the comment about missing your top LOL. I’m coming up on my baby boy’s first year and wondering if I will be able to fit my small clothes this winter. Sigh.

    Pookah is such a cutie pie!

  3. Hey there Rose’s Daughter! You’re little boy is too cute! I wanna smooch his cheeks! ( i know that sounds weird coming from a stranger, but his cheeks are juicy! lol) I am also new here. I come from Christina’s blog and see you comment all the time to I clicked the link. I’ll be stopping by more often. Stop by our place anytime ( princess J and I)

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