The end of Nablopomo


I do this every year. And every year at the end of it, I am worn out.  But I always manage to do it.  It always make me wonder why i don’t do this every month? Day to day??

Because even though I could think of a million things to talk about every day, I just don’t have the time or the energy to follow through.

This month’s NaBloPoMo forced me to do some evaluation when it comes to this blog. It forced me to do some thinking with about the direction of this blog and how I feel about the direction blogging in general is going.

So of course, there will be changes. I’m not quite sure what but there will be.

Because I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t enjoy “BLOGGING” per say anymore.

Now I love to write on this blog. i love to share photos. I love to go to other blogs and see what you guys are up to in your daily lives. I love to go and learn something and sometimes, I love to enter the giveaways.

But I feel like blogging has lost that community that was there whenI first started blogging.  Back then( about 6 years ago now) blogging was about connections.  Now, it’s about business. I guess that’s a natural progression, but I’m not feeling it. I thought I was, but not so much.

Now, I have no objection to making a few bucks on here. Camera/photography money you might say.

But I don’t want this blog to become one big reivew.

I want my community back. I don’t want folks to come to my blog simply because they are obligated to based on being in a comment group on facebook. I don’t want you to like my facebook page simply because i liked you first and you feel like it’s something you should do. I don’t want folks to come to my blog simply because they want to win something. I son’t want people to come to my blog because of excellent SEO.

I want people to come to my blog because they care about me, they are interested in what’s going on in my life, or they want to see pretty pictures, or that they want to learn something about photography.


towarsds the new year, I’ll be focusing on that( after I get a few projects already started out of the way. )

I might even change the name of this blog again!( i know, like really?)

Hope you guys stick around.



  1. I know the feeling. It seems like a task more than a wonder hobby. However, I have to subtract the business of it on the front end to find the group of folks that I love. I’m all of making money and letting the blog morph into a business but review only blogs just don’t interest me.

  2. goodness–nablopomo was TOUGH this year, not that it wasn’t last year but goodness. I think I felt it more this year. Wow!

    I know what you mean. I see the biz end of things, it makes sense. We in a recession. 🙂 Otherwise though, I hear you, I want traffic to be organic as well, I want to feel like I am giving value. Not just another stop on the comment train. I do believe there is balance somewhere, I am not looking to be America’s next top blogger–but I will take my coins where I get em.

    1. I agree! And the funny thing is, I wrote this post and then my Gift guide for photographers was featured on BLOGHER today! Things that make me go hmmmm

  3. I think I know how you feel. A few years ago when I started blogging, I also felt like there was a little community of us. In fact, that was how I met you and your blog, and learned more about your family. There are about a handful of folks that I met in the beginning who I have forged really close relationships. But I think you’re right. Things have definitely changed. Any thoughts on how to get back that old feeling?

    Just so you know, I love coming to your blog to catch up with you and your family. I feel like Pookah is growing up right before my eyes! My suggestion to you is to continue blogging and socializing the way you want, sans any prompts or forceful motivations.Get back to doing it the way you did when you loved it. In any event, I’ll keep reading!

  4. GET OUT OF MY HEAD… i am blogging about this tomorrow and linking back to you. I can’t with all the reviews, giveaways, etc. Especially when they are paid. If a person is giving an unpaid review on something i can probably get with it but all the sponsored reviews are not for me.

  5. Good for you for taking action to decide where your path will lead you. I made a giant change with my blogging and I couldn’t be more happy with it! Best of luck!

  6. That’s fantastic! One of my blogs is a money saving blog and even there I don’t write every single day. The best advice is to follow your gut instinct. Good luck.

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