Friday…in New Orleans

Photography from New Orleans

New Orleans…what can I say. Pookah had Spring Break last week and we took off to visit my in laws. Lucky me, New Orleans is only 2 hours away from my mother in law’s house, so a quick road trip was in order.

new orleans beignets

Our visits are always cut short to my favorite city and I long for the time when I can go and stay overnight. But in the meantime, I am satisfied with short happy fast moving visits with jazz bands in the square, strolls down bourbon street( where I had to cover Pookah’s eyes a couple of times), and good food.

new orleans

new orleans jackson square

new orleans

Speaking of good food, my quest for Gluten Free options doesn’t end when we travel. A while ago, Tara from The Young Mommy Life, had introduced me to the App, Find me Gluten Free. I decided to try it out for New Orleans. Amazingly, New Orleans has LOTS of options for gluten free. The trick was: finding one that Pookah would actually eat.

The Palace Cafe ended up being our choice. Right on Canal street.

It was EXCELLENT. The service was wonderful. Of course, nothing on the children’s menu was gluten free but the wonderful kitchen and wait staff told us that they would modify anything on that menu so that it would be gluten free.

For that alone they get a A+.

No photos of the food, it was gone as soon as the smell of it went up our noses.

the palace cafe new orleans

We walked off our food, played in the park and then headed home.

new orleans

new orleans

new orleans street car

new orleans park

I love New Orleans and love it even more now that there are gluten free options for Pookah.

I can’t wait to go back….


  1. I love the pictures of your trip to New Orleans. Kudos to the kitchen and wait staff for being so kind and modifying the menu for your precious little one! 🙂

  2. I’m glad you had fun in New Orleans and found gluten free meal options. LOL at you having to closed Pookah’s eyes, there are some crazy stuff going on in Bourbon St.

    1. i mean, there was this one chick who if she moved just a little would have shown us ALL her special parts!

    1. For years, we’ve cut our trips short because there was just nothing for Pookah to eat. I am SO glad I discovered that app!

    1. Yes! Especially to the stuffing our faces part! A friend and I are planning a girls trip just to eat our way through the city!

  3. I forgot how lovely New Orleans is!! I’m glad you were able to find some gluten free options for your pookah! I know I want to take my family there someday!

  4. I saw where you were talking about the FIne Me Gluten Free app, there is also a FB group now for all of us gluten-free people in New Orleans and they have a map of gluten-free restaurants around the city. Hope it helps!

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