Friday Roundup
It’s Friday! And It’s been a long week folks!
To recap: We’ve been sick over here!
That is all.
So we’ve all reasonalbly gotten over our sickies( we still can’t eat much). And C-Dub made noises yesterday about still going to Mississippi. Dude. Really? I’m not traveling six hours both ways with a toddler who has been sick all week and who is still cranky! I wouldn’t even do it if it was my family.
Moving on.
Downside: The man is off today.
This means that:
- I can’t go see Breaking Dawn by myself(Team Edward!)
- No me time today
- Going to see Tower Heist with C-Dub and having a date while Pookah is in daycare.
Because I’m married, and because I love him and because we never get time alone, I will do this! I will sacrifice myself and go see a comedy instead of my beloved Edward and Bella. *cries* But it’s OK. I’ll find a way to see the Twilight movie this weekend because……..
Yes folks! I am finally a normal(well semi normal) person who doesn’t work every weekend! I get the weekend off! So much time, what will we do?? LOL. So since I do have the weekend off, I will go see Breaking Dawn sometime this weekend. I will!
Edward has been looking nice lately but I am still team Jacob. We are trying to secure a babysitter for Sunday it will be the first time we have went out in about 2 years. I am nervous because it’s someone who does not have kids but I trust her so we will see how it goes. Yay for the weekends so excited for you. Have a fun date day.
I think you guys should see both. My husband and I used to do double movies all the time when there was something we both wanted to see out. Anyways, hope you all have a great time.
LMBO! I don’t blame you for wanting that time to yourself, lol! I’m sure you’re going to have a great time with hubby though! I havent been to the movies in yearsss!
Yes. I recognize this pattern of behavior. It’s called “performing the wifely duties”. *sigh* I wandered around after my husband looking at knives and guns for 2 hours this morning.
I hope I get to go see it too! My daughter went to the midnight showing last night and said it was SOOOO GOOD!
Enjoy your time off!
Yay for free weekends! Unfortunately, it looks like it may mean less ‘you’ time – as those are the same days THEY are home. Maybe you guys can split it up where hubby gets Saturdays and you get Sundays…