Friday Roundup

It’s Friday! And It’s been a long week folks!

To recap: We’ve been sick over here!

That is all.

So we’ve all reasonalbly gotten over our sickies( we still can’t eat much). And C-Dub made noises yesterday about still going to Mississippi.  Dude. Really? I’m not traveling six hours both ways with a toddler who has been sick all week and who is still cranky!  I wouldn’t even do it if it was my family.

Moving on.

Downside: The man is off today.

This means that:

  • I can’t go see Breaking Dawn by myself(Team Edward!)
  • No me time today
  • Going to see Tower Heist with C-Dub and having a date while Pookah is in daycare.
Because I’m married, and because I love him and because we never get time alone, I will do this! I will sacrifice myself and go see a comedy instead of my beloved Edward and Bella.  *cries*  But it’s OK.  I’ll find a way to see the Twilight movie this weekend because……..
Yes folks! I am finally a normal(well semi normal) person who doesn’t work every weekend! I get the weekend off!  So much time, what will we do??  LOL.  So since I do have the weekend off, I will go see Breaking Dawn sometime this weekend.  I will!


  1. Edward has been looking nice lately but I am still team Jacob. We are trying to secure a babysitter for Sunday it will be the first time we have went out in about 2 years. I am nervous because it’s someone who does not have kids but I trust her so we will see how it goes. Yay for the weekends so excited for you. Have a fun date day.

  2. I think you guys should see both. My husband and I used to do double movies all the time when there was something we both wanted to see out. Anyways, hope you all have a great time.

  3. LMBO! I don’t blame you for wanting that time to yourself, lol! I’m sure you’re going to have a great time with hubby though! I havent been to the movies in yearsss!

  4. Yes. I recognize this pattern of behavior. It’s called “performing the wifely duties”. *sigh* I wandered around after my husband looking at knives and guns for 2 hours this morning.

  5. Yay for free weekends! Unfortunately, it looks like it may mean less ‘you’ time – as those are the same days THEY are home. Maybe you guys can split it up where hubby gets Saturdays and you get Sundays…

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