This morning, after I dropped my baby off at daycare, I felt guilty.
Not because I was dropping him off at daycare and enjoying my sleepy time.
But because my child wouldn’t be moving to the “1 year old” room
The criteria?
1. Walking:He’s been ready for a couple of months
2.They are one year old: yeah yeah…
3. They are eating table food.
Because I have not been busily shoveling table foods down my child’s throat in the last month in preparation, he can’t advance to the one year room.
He is stuck. King of the 3-6 month olds.
He can’t/won’t eat things like Trix cereal(really TRIX?????), pancakes, eggs and milk, cheese grits, spaghetti with turkey meat sauce, beef pattie, rice, english peas, turkey on wheat bread with french fries, pretzels, fig newtons, corn chips and pizza.
Yes, this was all a part of last weeks’ menu.
The only thing on the menu that he might eat is the oatmeal. And then, only if there is enough butter and sugar in it.
Pookah will barely eat ANYTHING these days since he’s been sick.
And he is being held back because of it. Held back from structure, learning activites, playing with his peers…….
I feel guilty. Like a bad mom.
If he was at homefull time, I wouldn’t have to worry about it. As it is, he only goes 2 days a week, but those two days are all the socialization he gets! And it’s like it’s all or nothing! I mean, can’t he ease into it? Go a couple of hours a day at first? A meal a day?
I feel so bad for my toddler being stuck with the babies while all of his friends have moved on.
What can I do? Any suggestions moms?
And no, moving him at this time is not an option. My top choice, as I blogged about here, is still on hold till May :(.
Tuesday 21st of December 2010
ugh, no advice since Kaua doesn't go to daycare (family members watch him with his cousins), but just wanted to say I am feeling ya on the non-table food eater. Kaua is very picky on what he eats and probably wouldn't eat most of the food on that menu either.
Sunday 19th of December 2010
While Chunks has been on table food for a while, some of those things I still wouldn't feed him (sugar index). Awww, I can imagine how you feel but could you pack a bottle that they can give him to drink himself or feed him a good size breakfast at home before he goes so at least you know he's gotten a solid meal.
Friday 17th of December 2010
I'm gonna assume here that they just don't want to feed toddlers bottles? Is that the issue? Sounds very silly to me. Makes me really glad jasmine goes to a home daycare and she can socialize with whomever she chooses, and she does which is why she talks :(
When he gets to feeling better, try and give him some table foods on his tray and see if he likes it and will feed himself. Jasmine eats everything and loves to feed herself. Makes her feel like a big girl.
Friday 17th of December 2010
Our daycare required the Young Toddlers to be able to use a sippy cup and eat table food as well. They were nice enough to allow some transition though and allowed Lewis into the room. He didn't eat a whole lot of table food and he hadn't quite figured out the sippy cup either.
Pookah will catch on sooner than you think. We made it a point to allow him to self-feed more foods at home (starting with easy stuff like Cheerios). We also started giving him bits of whatever food we ate. It took a while for him to get used to the textures and such but he learned. He was slow to eat his meals and snacks at daycare but he has gotten to the point where he eats everything.
Do you have the option of feeding him breakfast yourself? That way you know he has one good meal down?
Friday 17th of December 2010
That's the menu at the daycare??? Oh my, I need to look ahead at Foxy's daycare menu now. As it is I pack her breakfast and lunch. I hope I don't have to do it forever.