Just another Saturday.

Yes, well. 

 The shit hit the fan, and yesterday someone was very attentive, cleaned up the laundry room, did all the vacuuming, redid the flower bed, cleaned up the kitchen, didn’t leave any clothes anywhere besides said laundry room and provided dinner.


Moving on!

I went out yesterday and got nursing bras at motherhood maternity.  I had completely forgotten about them until I was reading some breastfeeding material and they mentioned them.  Wow.  I got two sleep bras and one regular.  I can get more later if need be.  I also got a breastfeeding tank top, just because.

Nothing else newsworthy going on over here.

Still waiting for Baby Dub to make his appearance.  He’s got 19 days left until he is officially “done”. 

I might have to resort to having sex.




  1. Glad the whole “lost his mind” thing is over…I would have commented on that last post, but was just left speechless. 😉

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