Last Dance…

Today is the LAST day of NaBloPoMo.  And I am happy to say that I survived and blogged every single day!!!!!

Yay Me!

And I’m exhausted.

And I remember why I don’t blog everyday and why I stopped blogging 5 days a week!

It’s amazing to me that I managed to do it despite working, having my mother in law for company, Thanksgiving,  shopping for and getting ready to close on a house and my baby’s 3rd birthday.

I was surprised that I actually enjoyed writing so much. But only when I was inspired.

It makes me think that I really could manage to do it if I wanted to , but I really don’t want to blog everyday.  I really just don’t have that much to say!  But I can see myself going back to 5 days a week, but really, I can only promise 3. Because I like having something to actually say when I blog.

Anyway. Next month is going to be sooo busy. There’s the house closing, there is Christmas, there is moving, there is finding Pookah a new daycare( there was another INCIDENT), AND preparing for the new year. I’ve got plans people. I’ll let you in on the details when I have more details.

Anyway, thanks for putting up with a post everyday on your reader or in your inbox or on Facebook.  Thank you for stopping by, thank you for the comments.  And thank  you everyone for the prayers about my Dad.  Pookah and I are on our way to see him today, and he’s doing much better.

Anyhoo, I’m rambling. You guys have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you guys soon!!



  1. Yay we did it. I am taking a break I will try to do the instagram photo challenge to end the year out with a bang. Happy December to you and I hope you get settled for the New Year soon.

  2. Congratulations on your accomplishment! I clocked in 32-33 posts for the month of November, but that’s because I feel driven to communicate my thoughts & ideas all the time. It’s cathartic, I will say that. And it’s also thoughtful, painfully honest, and beautiful too.

    That’s passion. I had wondered what NaBloPoMo was, I sure had a hard time sounding this one out, but I can see that it’s a writing challenge?

  3. I did that in July and was exhausted when the month was over! I’m like you, love blogging but do it when I have things I want to say. Good luck with moving, I’m doing it again too.

  4. Yay you did it!!

    Glad your daddy is better. 🙂

    Sorry to hear of more drama at Pookah’s school. It’s hard when people don’t understand that when they deal with your child, they are dealing with your heart. You have to take care of people’s babies like they are your own or don’t even get into childcare.

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