A little bit of Me Time and other stuff
So, yesterday was my first “home alone” day in a loooooong time. Since I started this job you might say.
I dropped Pookah off nice and early. (NO SHAME)
And did my new run/walk around the neighborhood. I walked up the damn hills and ran back down them. My plan is to be able to run up and down.
Afterwards, I took photos for a post that I didn’t write, because I was watching Orange is the New Black. The first episode was…ok…but I got sucked in and next thing I knew, 3 hours were GONE!!! LOL
To act like I did SOMETHING constructive( ie so I could show Cdub I did SOMETHING productive) I did clean all bathrooms and wash two loads of clothes. Oh, and I unloaded the dishwasher.
Oh and I updated to IOS 7 on my iPhone. at first, I wasn’t feeling it. But now…it’s growing on me. LOL It does move smoother and the speaker( you know when you talk to text?) is much more accurate.
Anyhoo, after all of that, I looked up and it was 430 and time to pick up the Pookah. CDub usually picks him up at 5, but I wanted to see his teacher and ask her how he is doing.
He was SOOOO happy to see me!! He teacher said he is doing well with vowel sounds and etc. But that he needs to work on writing his name. Sigh. I knew about the handwriting. That boy grips the pencil for dear life! And for some reason, his tracing has to be PERFECT in his eyes. If I could just get him to loosen his grip a little. Well, we’ll work on it this weekend.
I’m supposed to work at the hospital this weekend, but you know what? I’m not going. I’m going to email my manager today. Because really, there are so many other things I could be doing this weekend. Like spending time with my little family.
Plus, my Dad is back in the hospital. He had another stroke on Monday morning. He is better, out of the ICU. They are transferring him to REHAB today. Might have to make a quick trip to see him. Can’t do that if I’m working now can I?
Anyhoo. That’s what’s going on in My Life. I’ll get back to my regular scheduled posting next week. This week was just a little…stressful.
Still praying for your dad!
Jasmine is a perfectionist too when it comes to tracing and writing. She uses that eraser so much it’s ridiculous!
Sorry to hear about your dad. 🙁
Glad he’s doing better though. Praying he KEEPS getting better.
I hope your dad gets better safe traveling to you if you go down there.
I just have one thing to say….#teamandroid
I love my new update from the get go. I wasn’t feeling it when I saw everyone else’s pictures. Then I was like ooooh this is so pretty.
Sorry to hear about your dad, hope you get to see him soon.
I love the new IOS7, I’m feeling like I need to do a whole post dedicated to my love of it (cheesy I know). I hope that your dad is feeling better, I’ll be praying for him.