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Monday Rants

Today, instead of Monday Randomness, we’re going to have a Monday Rant.

Because baby, I’m a little pissed.

You see, for the last week, I’ve been sleep deprived.  Let me repeat, I’VE been sleep deprived.

I went to work Monday Night, I didn’t go to sleep Tuesday, took the baby to the dr instead.  Learned he had a ear infection.  He was cranky the rest of the day.  I went back to work that night after barely sleeping 3 hours.  ‘

Wednesday: Pookah couldn’t go to daycare because of the fever.  So once again, I am up the majority of the day with a sick , pooping, cranky baby/toddler.  That night, I’m up with a cranky pooping toddler.  Why? because C-Dub has to go to work in the am, so he gets to sleep.

Thursday: Still no daycare.  Fever.  Rinse, Wash repeat. 

Friday: Fever, still no daycare, Rinse Wash repeat, off to work that night.

Saturday: Finally, a nap during the day, no fever, things are looking up. 

Sunday: clean house all day, cook dinner( fried pork chops, collard greens, sweet potatoes.) Fed the kid  in between, put him down for two naps while C-Dub watched football, played Madden and went Christmas shopping.( And I didn’t see no damn bags)

And then I went to work.  With not a nap in sight.

I come home this morning…..



The last Pork chop is still on the counter.

My planned lunch for today is ruined.

And when I question him about it, what does he say???

“He woke up 3 times between 7 and 10.  Then slept until 4.  then woke up at 6 and has been up ever since.  I’m tired and I’ve got to go to work today. You get to go to sleep.”



You damn right I get to go to sleep!

I still manage to clean, cook, take care of baby and work  and put away  good food bought with hard earned money and made with my precious time.

How dare he blame it on the baby and then have the nerve to complain about having to go to work without continuous sleep???? Fool, you had the opportunity to sleep 6 straight hours! While you were sleeping, I was doing an emergency  c section.  I’ve been on my feet busting my ass for 12 straight damn hours in the middle of the damn night!

I never complain to him about having to go to work after dealing with a cranky child all day! After having no sleep!   Because it is what it is!

What is wrong with this picture?????

Am I wrong? Am I just in a sleep deprived haze and not seeing the big pitcure?

Did he deserve the cursing out he got???

The new asshole that I ripped him???

Am I wrong?


Thursday 9th of December 2010

Definitely not wrong!


Tuesday 7th of December 2010

Nerp, that cuss out was WELL DESERVED! I might go ahead and follow up with another for good measure. I'm gonna roll with GG on this one. Sometimes even the best partners take what we (women) are able to balance and handle for granted. He may need a little dose of "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!". Stop cooking, forget the laundry, let the mail pile up, ignore the voicemails, etc. That will get his attention and guarantee a conversation, and hopefully an attitude adjustment.


Tuesday 7th of December 2010

Not in the least bit! OMG! You need to adopt the "I can show you better than I can tell you" creed and start doing for you and baby and letting him suffer just a bit to see that what you do is not easy. That means no clean laundry, hot home cooked meals or much sleep. If you need him no matter what time it is WAKE THAT ASS UP! it's his baby too. Sorry you are ranting and are sleep deprived :( get some rest (if possible).


Monday 6th of December 2010

Yeah. Sounds like he deserved it and then some! I feel your pain. Laziness, thy name is [husband's name here]. *sigh*


Monday 6th of December 2010

No disrespect to C-Dub and I am in no ways commenting on your marriage, but girl you were overdue! I know you've been stressed and the lack of sleep was just the straw that you needed to get all that out. I say good for you and don't feel bad at all. He had it coming. Now that you've got that off your chest, get you some rest mama. You deserve it!