More Poop Chronicles……
I know we’ve covered this before but….
More poop chronicles.
So, of course, after the MIL left, I was obsessed with the boy pooping. Just to say he could. I gave in and gave him a glycerin suppository on Monday, and BAM!
Poop of the year!
I was pleased.
But then, later in the week, I noticed my boy was straining. And getting no results. Constipated? I hadn’t given him ANY solids since the infamous Applegate. So,I decided to try the old standard. Prunes.
I started on Friday, and gave him sips and sips of apple-prune juice. And a few bites of prunes. C-Dub gave him more prunes this morning.
I mean, it was down his leg, up his back, bubbling over his pamper……..and it STANK!
Well…….at least I’ve solved the poop issue……
On to my new favorite topic……MOTHER’s Day!
I am SOOOOOO excited!!
Today, I got a wonderful, WONDERFUL massage at Bliss spa here is the ATL. It was great. My sister-in-law’s gift to me. I feel like a new woman! And then, I got home to a fabulous bouquet of roses from C-Dub. And he promises more to come.
I can’t wait!!!
After so many years of being envious, I get to have my very own Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!