Not so Random Tuesday.

Yesterday was a hard day.

I worked Sunday night of course, so I slept most of the day away.

But when I woke and showered at 3 pm, everything seemed to to be topsy turvey.

My parents were just getting back from an outing, and Pookah and CDub were just coming inside from a trip to the store.

And everyone wanted my attention.

I had an instant headache.

Then of course, since he had been ( in his words) “cooped up all day with Pookah” he went to hit some golf balls.

And the fun began.

Pookah had an immediate crying spell that Daddy went and left him.

And everything went downhill from there.

Temper Tantrum #1.

He calmed down after I ignored him, and decided he wanted to eat.

Any attempt to feed him were thwarted by him wanting to get out of the high chair and run around instead of eating.

And then, the hitting continued when he didn’t get his way.

And finally, temper tantrum # 2 when he didn’t want to come inside from playing.

When I dragged him inside kicking and screaming, I was informed( quite causally) that my husband had returned home.  And was upstairs.

What the hell?

Didn’t he hear this racket?

So I promptly took the crying kicking screaming Pookah right back to his “Da Da”.

And peace reigned in my house.

I ate dinner while CDub went through the bedtime ritual with Pookah and put him down.

Afterwards, to my surporise, the man suggested that we go out for drinks.

I can’t tell you how quickly I put on my clothes.

My parents were very willing to keep an ear out for Pookah while we were gone.

And that is how date night came about.

We spent maybe 2 hours at Chilli’s( sad huh) with drinks and appetizers.

I had a lovely strawberry margarita.

Perfect Strawberry Drunkness....#1

Which got me drunk as a skunk.  But that may be because I had 3 more……..

It was a nice couple of hours by ourselves.  We didn’t talk about Pookah at all( surprisingly) and instead spent the  time laughing and talking like when we were dating.

It was nice.

We even came home and had “fun”. LOL.

So, I’m a little out of it today, my parents are gone, and it’s just me and Pookah as usual.

Just another Random Tuesday in the A.

How was your Memorial Day?




  1. Yay for date night! I actually like Chili’s,

    My life is exciting when I can tell folks baby boogie only had one meltdown over memorial day weekend #score!

  2. YAY @ fun that was mutually enjoyable!!! *lol*
    You gotta grab “date night” when you can and I like when we have conversations that DON’T relate to the little guy.

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