Ode to My Canon

Nablopomo Day 8

My Camera died yesterday. Or was corrupted. Depends on how you look at it. I got a new sd card yesterday. So excited to finally have a second one after loosing all but one. I pop it in and bam. Error message. I try to format the card, error message. I try to turn on my camera. Error message. I take out the card, put in the old one. Won’t let me do a thing. I reset the camera to factory settings. Nothing. The damn thing won’t even come on.


I am looking into sending it to Canon so that they can look at it. Fix it. Because gentle reader, I cannot buy another one right now.

So I have no camera.

I feel like a person with no hand.

I feel…lonely.

In honor, I’ll just post a photo from my archives today.

Maybe I can get back my ipad?

black and white


  1. I know how that feels. My lens is broken and I am just hoping Santa takes my good behavior as in a twerk as collateral and gets me one for Christmas.

    Praying yours is able to be fixed.

  2. I saw you tweeting about this, but I couldn’t figure out what happened. I’m sorry to hear about your camera, and you should totally send it to Canon! There has to be some sought of warranty right? Can’t hurt to try!

    Oh…good luck with getting that iPad back! 🙂

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