Oh Happy Day.

Today my friends was a OB appointment day.

It’s amazing how short it was.  I arrived, I got weighed(awful, just awful), peed in a cup, then went to the exam room.

Chit chatted with my midwife M about the weight gain(bad), my labs(good, I do NOT have the sickle cell trait), and plans for future appointments.

I will be having my 1 hour glucose tolerace test early(at 17 weeks) because of a STRONG family history of diabeties.  Yes, everyone is my family has it except my mom.  Great. 

And I will be having the BIG ultrasound around the 2nd week of July. 

But the highlight of course, was hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler, which M found pretty quickly.  145 beats of bliss.

Made my day.

Oh, and she confirmed for me that the 2nd trimester starts at 13 weeks!


  1. I’m so glad everything went well! I’m sorry to hear about the diabetes, but maybe you’ll be able to dodge a bullet. Check me out again! I posted some pics. Well, my husband did. He’s pretty good, I don’t care what they (I) say about him!

  2. Short appointments, typically means things are great. Annoying that you can’t hear your baby beating away for hours upon hours, but it’s a good thing.

    Yay for hitting 13 weeks, I know that I was able to take a little sigh, if even for a moment.

  3. Oh happy day! I call those appointments “30-second drive by” appointments. Quick and dirty, but still good because that means everything is going well.

    Yay! Welcome to the 2nd trimester!

  4. 13 Weeks … EXCITING!!!

    Congratulations on making it into the 2nd tri. Hearing that blessed heartbeat had to have been the highlight of your day. Keep us posted.


  5. Ooh, ooh, ooh, heartbeat! So glad that everything went ok…welcome to the 2nd phase! Hope you’re feeling more relaxed. I, for one, cannot wait for the ultrasound. 🙂

  6. How great. I do have the sickle cell trait. Diabetes- hmmm.. only Grandma on Dad’s side has it and she was in her 70’s when she was diagnosed. She has also shared with me that she is going to continue to eat how she wants. Anyways… my baby has 142 beats and is 38 weeks old now. I wonder what really is average.. his heartbeat was in the 160s earlier in my pregnacy. But I am sooo glad things are going well for you. 2nd trimester is great! Enjoy it! Oh and the whole weight gain thing- it is necessary! I think I weighed in at 130 today which means I gained 30 pounds with my pregnancy and it is all centered in my tummy and my legs are KILLING me!

  7. lucky lucky girl! I’m so excited for you! i’m always curious about the sex of everyone’s babies….. so even if your love doesn’t want to know…. I DO!!!!

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