NaBloPoMo Day 29
It’s the day after thanksgiving and hopefully you enjoyed your turkey, gumbo, ham, seafood or whatever you do to celebrate Thanksgiving. I didn’t bring my laptop so no way to upload any thanksgiving photos. But really, I didn’t take many! I was too busy eating! And cuddling with my nephew. And watching Pookah have the time of his life with his uncles who are a bunch of big kids themselves.
My dressing and my ham were excellent…..
Anyhoo, I’m off to New Orleans for some good food and photographing. Have fun for those of you who are shopping! And be safe!
Have fun in New Orleans!
Have fun in New Orleans!!!
In other news, you are so stinking pretty! 🙂
Ugh! I didn’t have any sweet potato pie for Thanksgiving! I’m not happy about it!
I had one little sliver of pie!!