Random Tuesdays
It’s Random Tuesdays folks! And without further ado….
- I hate daycare. I’m facing the prospect of finding yet ANOTHER daycare for my child.
- I gave Pookah an epi pen for the first time. Yes, the allergic reaction was just that bad. All because someone was not diligent in WATCHING my child!
- On a brighter note, I got my iphone!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!
- But I still want an ipad…..and a macbook………
- The hubby is getting on my last nerve.
- I’ve booked our condo for the “in law” vacation.
- Shoot me.Now.
- If gas goes any higher, I’ll be walking to work.
- I need a new computer soon. I’ve been online for about 30 minutes without the cord, and it’s getting ready to die.
- I think I’ve lost weight……
that’s all I can think of this week, see you guys soon!
Congrats on another 2 lbs!! My fingers are still crossed for you to get your iPad. When is the blessed event aka in law vacation? You are a stronger woman that I. I simply could NOT do it.
In june girl. At least we won’t be in the same house…..