
I’ve got a whole lot of stuff going on in my head so I’m just going to say that this post is about to be really random.

  • I start my new 4 day a week schedule this week.  I’m excited, and looking forward to Wednesday which is my day off.
  • The Diet is going well. I’ve managed not to cheat…really.  Those pita chips and all that Hummus doesn’t count at all….
  • I also managed to exercise on Friday.  I managed a run/walk/shuffle up and down the hills of my neighborhood.  It was…hard but I gave it 30 minutes. I survived and I WILL be doing it again.
  • I finally folded the 4 baskets of clothes that have been sitting in my bedroom for 3 weeks.
  • I start another photography class next.  The macro class was just what I needed to kick start some creativity around here.


  • Terry McMillan comes out with a new book tomorrow. She’s one of my favorites and I can’t wait to have something new to read!
  • On Friday, I swore I was going to quit the hospital. I was/am tired of fighting with CDub about going, tired of working sometimes 6 days a week.  Tired of being beat down when I do go.  But.. the put me on call for 8 hours. Then, I got there and for the last 4 hours, I socialized, laughed, and had the best time socializing. I didn’t see the any part of a patient. I tucked the resignation letter right back in my bag.  Maybe next time….
  • 17 days until SCANDAL. GLADIATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Pinterest…is a time suckage…..
  • I am going to watch Orange is the New Black this week…on my day off. 🙂
  • I’m going to start on my photo wall this week.
  • I’m also going to pick a paint for the front room.  Operation make this house mine is in effect.
  • Fall weather is coming. I love the cool mornings and warm afternoons.
  • But it still isn’t cool enough for a Salted Caramel Mocha or a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
  • Don’t forget about our photo challenge this week,  Me Time.  Can’t wait to see your submissions!

And I leave you with a few photos from Sunday afternoon at the park.  I love Family time………

sunday family time





  1. So is your new schedule like flex time. Do you work 10 hours the other days?

    I think you should start selling your macro shots. They are really, really pretty.

    Maybe it’s not time for you to quit the hospital just yet! You have Christmas presents to buy!

    1. Yes, it is like flex time so I have to work 10 hours the other days. I swear, I’ll do anything for a day off by myself.

      I was thinking about opening etsy shop to sell prints. I just have to figure out how to do that

      Christmas is the only reason I think I keep holding on to it. But hopefully after that, I won’t have an excuse….

  2. Keep the letter tucked for later. Glad you get a day off I will be seeing plenty of me time pictures on Wednesday lol. When you learn how to open up an etsy shop let me know I have tried and failed several times. I want to start selling web design stuff but it confuses me.

  3. “But it still isn’t cool enough for a Salted Caramel Mocha or a Pumpkin Spice Latte.” THIS! So frustrating, right? Love your Sunday walk photos! Hope you enjoy your new schedule and have a fab week!

  4. Can I just say, I feel like Pookah looks more and more like a big boy every time I see his pic. Why do they grow so darn fast!?!?

    And yes, sell your prints! You could add a page to the blog where your prints are for sale, no?

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