review of ms jessies
Our next try in the world of Natural hair products was Miss Jessie’s Buttercreme.
Now this one was $35. that’s a lot.
I decided to try a “braid out”. Wash hair, apply Miss Jessie’s Buttercreme while still wet and braid my hair. Wet. Then, sit under a hood dryer for one hour.
This wasn’t hard at all. I love the peppermint smell of Miss Jessie’s and the thick consistency. My hair needs thick products.
So, after an hour, my hair was complete. I unbraided it and…..
Yes, there is no picture. Why? I HATED IT. Oh, the Miss Jessie’s left my hair very soft and moisturized, but I didn’t like the actual braid-out. Maybe it was the pattern I braided my hair in?
But my main problem with this hairstyle/product, is that it is time consuming. Once again, as a Mommy of a now 10 month old, I don’t have time to spend 30 minutes applying the product and braiding my hair, then another hour to let it dry. I need something quick!! And I am discovering that nothing about this natural hair journey is quick. Other than braids. And even that is a 4 to 6 hour ordeal. But at least that lasts more than a few days.
So, I got braids. Actually, I just got cornrows for the trip. There is no way I could go anywhere with my hair looking the way it has been. I was beginning to be a little depressed with myself. It’s amazing how much hair is tied to my self esteem.
So in conclusion, I don’t think I’ll be using Miss Jessie’s Buttercreme for braid outs or twist outs that often. It is a great moisturizer though. I used it the rest of the week and my hair was never dry.
So, that’s all the expensive products I think I’ll try for now. My budget just can’t do it!
Starting out and trying to find out what works for you can be frustrating. And you’ll have good & bad hair days. Stick it out Mama, it’ll get better. 🙂
Thanks for the tip! I’d love to find something for my daughter’s hair. Thanks so much for visiting during my SITS Day!
When I do braid outs I don’t go under the drier I just go to sleep. The patterns of the braids do matter. I braid my hair in 6 slanted cornrows starting from the crown going down the sides my head around to the back. This way my first braid actually is along the edge of my hair line so it looks like the waves start from the root. When I do a braid out I use hair rules. Hair rules is expensive but for a braid out I only use about a dime size of product in each braid and this helps the style last for at least 4 days. 4 days of not combing your hair is a totally time saver for me so I say try it again!!!