Selfie: Window Light in the Afternoon
I’m obsessed with Selfie’s now. Every Sunday for my 365 I take a Selfie. I’m hoping that over the course of a year, my selfies can tell me something. That they can shed light on who I was at the beginning of the year, and who I become by the end of it. My guess is I’ll be the same, only improved. Aged like fine wine….
Week 5 Selfie: Window Light in the Afternoon
Canon 6D Canon 50 1.4 Lens.
Settings: f/2.8 SS: 1/100 ISO 500
I think it is totally fine to be obsessed with selfies, shows us where we came from and where we are going! Love this photo!
I haven’t climbed on the selfie wagon yet. I’m not sure why. I love your version because its more about the emotion than look at me…look how pretty I am.
I want to take a shot at taking selfies with my camera. I never really tried with other than a phone.