Signs at 4am…
So last night, Pookah slept HORRIBLY!
Seriously, I felt like I had a 3 month old again! EVERY 2 hours, he was awake. Moaning, groaning, crying, whining.
I thought he had gas, so I gave him Mylicon.
I thought his nose was stopped up, turned on the humidifier.
I thought he was hungry. Fed him again around 11.
So at about 4 am, I give up and bring him into our bed. He usually sleeps much better once there if he is having a bad night.
Well, last night was not one of those nights. He tossed, and he turned and he moaned and he groaned.
Finally, around 5, he decided he was going to get out of our bed. When he couldn’t manage that, he started tugging and pushing on me.
“What???” I kept asking “Go to sleep!”
Finally, he pulled me up and I got that he wanted me to sit up.
Then, he moved to sit in my lap and very distinctively, did the sign for “eat“.
“Eat baby? you want to eat?!”
Pookah smiled in relief and babbled happily in baby language as I got up out of the bed and we went downstairs for a early morning snack.
Afterwards, he went back to sleep peacefully for the next 4 hours.
The daycare told me they were teaching sign language, and gave me the paper with all the signs on it that they were using. I know the one for eat and drink. I guess I’d better pay attention to the rest of them too!!!!!
I’m so excited!!!!
Oh how amazing and sweet! That’s fantastic! I’m amazed that your daycare teaches baby sign language. You guys are very lucky!
That’s really awesome! I’ve been trying to teach Izzy, but she hasn’t really responded yet, so I’m hoping to see something soon!
I love the baby sign language! They teach it to Lewis at daycare and he will do “Eat” “More” and “Done” all the time. Because I’m slow, I didn’t even realize what he was doing at first. When I finally recognized “Eat” and he saw that I knew what he meant we were both so happy!
He is probably doing other ones and I’m just not aware of it.
that’s good he’s using his signs to communicate.They teach signs at jas’s daycare however she prefers talking lol.
She also had a horrible night last night. She’s teething. It sucks!
Oh my gosh, I hate a bad night with the kiddos! No one understands what it is like to have you’re kid up all night!!! Well… except for another Mom, I guess 😉