I’ve been told in the past that Pookah is aggressive. I’ve never really seen it first hand until yesterday.

So, yesterday, I took Pookah to a birthday party of one of my friends child. M turned 2. He is 2 months older than Pookah and we’ve always had dreams of them being close friends. Yeah right. So, I had this feeling all day. I really didn’t want to go. First off, I had to work that night, I was already tired, and Pookah was just…..off. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew he wouldn’t be on his best behavior. And boy was I right. Geez. It started with the not wanting to share. i can deal with that. Pookah doens’t do sharing. well. He’s only 22 months. But it was that hitting, the screaming and the biting. YES the BITING. That got me. I felt like THAT parent with THAT child. The one you don’t want to come to your parities because you know he will disrupt everything. It’s funny, because I had just been patting myself on the back for sending him to this new daycare and not getting any reports all week long. Evidently, he has been playing well with others and everything. Sigh. I don’t know what to do? At times I wonder if he has issues because of the way he doesn’t want any child that he doesn’t know to just come up on him. He has to warm up to them. But kids come up to him and he always pushes them away. NOOOOO. But he’s really friendly to adults and other kids as long as they don’t come up on him, or try to take a toy he is playing with. I think it has to do with something that was happening at the old daycare and I want to kick myself for not seeing it until it’ was too late. Sigh. What to do? Do I just try to get him through it? Any advice out there for a first time mama??
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Nope no advice some kids just do that. He could be teething some kids bite more than others. My son bit people a lot especially kids when he was little but my daughter did not bite anyone. I think it’s just part of growing up and don’t feel bad. When I go places they call my baby the strap in baby cause I have to strap her down for her not to do stuff like run off or go into peoples coolers at games or just whine for no reason. I know parents be looking at me strange so yes I have that child and she is nothing like how my son whas who say where I told him to sit.
Ok, glad to know someone else’s child did it and moved on!
No advice but I feel you, Chunks needs his time to warm up to EVERYBODY baby, child, adult..he needs his space until his all the way comfy w you. It might have been something going on with the other kids because at first if a child took something from Chunks he’d just cry but as it kept happening he got more and more aggressive so that just might be how he figured this thing is gonna work lol.
I think that’s what happened to Pookah! Daycare toughened him up, and now he is very “aggressive” when someone tries to rake his stuff! I hope he grows out of it!
I have no advice really. My daughter is 11 months and we aren’t at the bitting or trouble sharing stage. Not looking forward to it!
Both of my kids were clingy and closer to adult when they were younger. And if they got sick, that was a definite recipe for me to want to run scrwaming. I learned It happens. I commend you for going to the party at all since you were tired. Go easy on yourself.
Don’t beat yourself up about it. Pookah is STILL a baby. Learning & growing.. I deal with the same thing and X just turned 2. Sharing will come, the biting will stop.. they have ‘bad days’ just like we do.
I’m still trying not to beat myself up about it!
There is not much you can do aside from making sure he knows that behavior is not acceptable. When jasmine is being too aggressive I have to pull her aside and tell her to knock it off. She usually goes back and says she’s sorry and plays nice after that.
I can so relate to this post. If possible, try not to take Pookah’s behavior personally. My daughter is 20-months old can be the same way. I’ve learned to correct her “bad” behavior when it happens and praise her when she does nice things. He’s still learning at this point and exploring, so just encourage him to do so in positive ways. Hope this helps!
It does! Thanks for the advice!
Everyone I’ve talked to said once he starts being able to communicate more, the biting will stop!
Just as you figure it all out, his behavior will change AGAIN. My son does not like new situations. He has always been slow to warm up and is slowly getting better now that he is rounding the corner to 5.
The only thing you need to do is reinforce the NO hitting and NO biting. I think I read it takes about 32 times before it sinks in. He’ll get the message. Promise.