SOC Sunday: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year…Almost.


In approximately 5 days, my Christmas season begins.



In deference to Thanksgiving, i wait until the day after to start my revelry, but I start planning NOW.  I’m excited.  I’ve overjoyed. It’s Christmas!  To tell the truth, Christmas was starting to loose some of it’s luster for me.  For me, Christmas was always about family.  My moms’ family to be specific.  But as we all got older, it seemed that we didn’t all get together at Christmas like we used to.  It was like everyone had their own lives.  My parents and my brother and C-Dub continued on, but it just wasn’t the same.  But low and behold, Pookah came and made Christmas so much FUN! I mean last year, he was only one but the joy, the wonder the fun of watching him at Christmas time revived Christmas for me! Now, I’m sooo excited to get started decorating and planning.  The possibilities, the pinning on Pinterest, the tree, the toys, the food, the gifts, the Black Friday sales… head is spinning over here.  I’m so ready for the Chritmas season to begin!

his was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post at
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.


  1. I love the idea of sharing Christmas with my baby Texan. He/she is not even born yet and I am excited so I can imagine your joy. Ps I can wait for you to post Christmas pictures with pookah!!! I heart pookah!

  2. I thought I was looking forward to Christmas this year, but then I went decor shopping with my husband and it effectively killed my mood, hahaha!

  3. Christmas is for the kids we did not do anything before the kids came. Now that the kids are here it’s a joy to see their faces on Christmas morning. We will start the tree this week since the kids are out of school nothing fancy as far as decor this year we are keeping it simple.

  4. Like you, I used to love doing all the Christmas stuff with my family… meaning my parents and brothers and sister and all of their kids, etc. Somehow the year after my first year after my daughter was stillborn marked the end of that. We have never gotten together for Christmas since then….. sad sad sad.

    We make it a great time with our kids… and no one would know that there is a perpetual slight sadness in my heart.

    Thanks for commenting on my SOCSunday blog post!

  5. I know exactly what you mean! Until my daughter came along Christmas just didn’t hold the same luster it once had — for many years we’ve enjoyed that magical feeling you get – but she’s 12 this year – has known “the truth” for awhile – and said she just wants money. It kinda breaks my heart a little bit but I’m not going to let that stop me – I’ll force the spirit into that kid if I have to! We’ll be decorating the day after Thanksgiving, too. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  6. I can’t wait for Christmas either!!! I’m pretty much done shopping for my son. That was a lot of fun 🙂 he’s really into this whole Christmas thing this year which makes it a million times better!!!

  7. My sister’s kind of wandered off into the abyss of holidays with her family, too, but now that I have my own family (including my husband’s big family), the holidays are still thankfully in tact. My favorite part of the holidays is enjoying it with others, so not having a lot of people around would really bum me out.

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