SOC Sunday: I Remember

I wanted to write about something else.  Anything else.  But I couldn’t. So, this is my 5 minutes…


I still remember that morning as clear as day.  My then live in boyfriend was getting ready to go to work.  I was still in bed, watching the Today show as I did and still do every morning.  I was living in Maryland at that time, right outside of DC,  right near Andrews Airforce Base.  Life was peaceful, you could still ride the public city bus right in front of the White House like I had done almost every week day of my life during the school year.  You could get on a plane without all the security checks. You could get there at the last minute and still get on the plane.  There was no fear.  America was fearless.  I remember it was the end of the Today Show, and they just happened to mention that it looked like a small plane had crashed into the world trade center.  Everyone kept talking like it was nothing.  But then, right there on national television, the second plane crashed into the world trade right before our eyes.  I remember my mom calling me, me calling friends, all of us riveted to the TV. Not daring to go out. I remember when the plane hit the Pentagon. I remember the fear that the plane had hit so close to home.  The fear that if that plane had just turned a little, it could have hit my parents house.  Then the plane down in Pennsylvania. It was a horrible day.  I remember the fear, the horror, the mind numbing sadness of seeing those poor people waving and screaming for help. Some jumping to their deaths from the burning buildings. And then how the towers came down, just crumbling  to dust. And the silence.  The finality of it.  Our worlds changed that day, our innocence was gone.  And 10 years later, we still haven’t gotten it back.  And we never will be that carefree again.  That day changed us. That is the date that for my generation,will always live in infamy.


May all of our loved ones and heroes, and those we only read about rest in peace.

This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post at
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.




  1. My entire world was rocked 10 years ago. My uncles were deployed, lives were lost, and many tears shed. Your post sums it up. Today will never be a day I will forget.

  2. We truly will never be the same again. And while, so often, I focus on what we lost that today, it’s important to remember what we’ve gained. We’ve changed for, I think, the better. While we lost our innocence, we are wiser now. We don’t take things for granted.

  3. Great way to describe the day. I too remember America being fearless. As I watched coverage today, I saw that this was a day for us all to remember and reflect.

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