Stream Of Consciousness Take 1



I started noticing this post on Veronica’s Blog over at CrunchyVTMommy

I got interested, and decided to try it. If you want to try it, follow the instructions at the end of the blog and visit Fadra’s Blog at all.things.fadra

Here Goes…..


It’s Sunday.   I usually work Saturday night, but I had taken off saturday because CDub wanted to go to a braves game.  It just so happened that my parents were here so it worked out well.   I should still be taking a nap right now because the Pookah is DOWN.  I made some Gluten Free Pancakes this morning from Bisquick’s Gluten Free Pancake Mix.  Added a little sugar and they tasted like the real thing.  Of course, Pookah doesn’t know that and refused to eat them.  All he wanted was my turkey bacon #fail.  His appetite  is much better this week and I am attirbuting it to the new whole foods vitamins and the z pack he had for his double ear infection.  I love my parents, but why does my house seem so cluttered when they are here?? Especailly my kitchen. CDub is getting on my last nerve. I don’t know if I’m hormonal or what, but that man seems to be getting lazier and lazier while I work harder and harder.  It’s making my head hurt just to think about it.  I need to go back to exercising, i’ve missed a whole week.  #FAIL.  But ummmm, the Peachtree is not looking like i’m going to run it.  Maybe walk it, but run it, I don’t think so.  I can barely run three miles without huffing and puffing. Sigh.  Another #FAIL.  That seems to be the theme here on this blog lately doesn’t it? I have to do something about that words are things you know.  I hate working nights.  But it pays the bills.  I kinda want to drop everything and go travel nursing again.  Well, timer went off.

This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…

  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post below.
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.




  1. So how was it? You truly had a stream of consciousness going. I wonder where you would have taken it at the end. Sometimes when we keep writing we discover that our fingers know more than our brain sometimes! Thanks for linking up!!

  2. I feel like baby boogie’s eating has gotten extremely random lately. He’s been dumping food out of his mouth that he usually likes O_o

    Then.. I wait five minutes and he eats it! WTF….lol

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