The Imperfect Child


Pookah is still very much allergic to wheat.

Skin test positive.

Big Big Sigh.

At first, I felt sorry for myself.

I could feel myself crashing with this overwhelming disappointment that my child wasn’t “perfect”. That something was wrong with him. That I couldn’t fix.  I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I watched the test turn positive on his back.

But then, I was distracted by Pookah.

He was playing.  Zooming around the room with a toy truck that he had found.

He was happy.

He was healthy.

He was the most beautiful thing in the world.

And he didn’t care that he was allergic to wheat.

His most pressing concern at that moment was

“Mommy Play!”

I felt my spirits lifting.

Who was this really about?

Me or my perfect imperfect child?

My child is imperfect and he is perfect all at the same time.

And I love him.

And that is all that matters.

15/365: My Little Ham

My Perfect Boy..


  1. I can totally relate. Moo is allergic to everything under the sun almost. And we recently found out that JJ is so allergic to cow’s milk that if it touches his skin it causes him to break out in these huge red bumps. But what can I do expect keep checking the ingredients on the back of boxes when I go grocery shopping and try to cook from scratch as much as possible.

    I’ve learned that it’s not my fault that they have all these allergies. And the more I obsess about the more I will make them uncomfortable about being a little bit different from other kids.

    1. I’m trying so hard to not obsess about it! The good thing is that he is young and doesn’t care much that he cant have what the other kids at school are having…. Yet!

  2. He’s the most adorable little imperfect child that I have seen. I have been developing allergies as an adult and I think life would have been so much easier if I had food restrictions as a child before I learned to love certain foods so much. I now get migraines from eating dairy and I do so miss eating all the variety of cheeses available. It’s a fight every time I want a sushi roll that has cream cheese in it. Food restrictions are much harder on adults. I am sure of it.

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