The Name Game and other info….


I THOUGHT we had a nice list of 3 names to pick for when Baby Dub arrives.

Scratch that. 

We suddenly can’t agree on anything.  All of the names that I thought we both liked and agreed on, went out the door.

I want to just throw up my hands and say whatever.

In other news:

We had a hail storm a few months back, and evidently we have roof damage.  We are leaking(as we discovered last week during the flood).  So today, the adjuster from the insurance company is coming to look at the roof.  Our deductible is $1000.  Do we have $1000? Noooooooo.  Do we need a new roof? Probably. 



Allllllrighty then.

How do you get blood from a turnip??

My mother in law is still working on how she is getting to Atlanta from Mississippi.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

My mother is coming on Friday(Daddy in tow). 🙂  So if the MIL does make it, my Mommy will make it all better.

I wonder how long the MIL plans on staying????( I do have a three day rule that was put in place specifically because of C-Dub’s side of the family).

And last but not least:

After a two week absence, the swelling has returned. 🙁


  1. 1. Try to narrow it down and make the decision when Baby Dub arrives.
    2. Don’t worry about the roof. As long as you have over $1000 worth of damage you will not have to come out of pocket for anything. The $1000 will be taken out of the entire cost of the repair/replacement.
    3. Hopefully MIL will follow the 3Day rule.
    4. Rest, drink lots of water and elevate your hoofs! 🙂

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