The one where I admit that my child is spoiled rotten….


This little boy right here is spoiled rotten.

How did it happen?

It might have something to do with a certain smile, a dimple and a winning personality.

And a couple of weak parents.

And maybe because one parent got tired of being the ONLY disciplinarian in the household and let a few things slide…

Pookah is basically a good child. But he is a strong willed, opinionated, and defiant child when he isn’t getting his way.

Which is often.

I had started thinking, that the boy was getting out of hand.  That his whining was starting to be like fingernails on chalkboard.

And I was proven correct late last week when Pookah hauled off and hit CDub.

In public folks.

Say it with me….AW HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s just say that didn’t go over too well.

Cause I’ll be damned if I have a 16 year old Pookah trying to beat my ass when I tell him to do something.

So there are going to be some changes coming around here.

A firmer hand you might say.


And that’s all I’m gonna say about that………



  1. Are you saying that because you and your husband failed to set boundaries and discipline properly that P is acting out? And you’re going to rectify it by hitting him?

    1. No. Boundaries were set and continue to be set everyday. The problem is that they are set more often by me than my husband and Pookah knows this. So now Cdub has to be more consistent than he is. As for hitting Pookah, I’m not going to rectify the situation by just hitting him and calling it a day. He’s 2. He’s testing his limits just like he is supposed to. However, I am not above tapping hands, butts, and legs to reinforce my point every now and then. We do use other methods of discipline including time outs, withholding toys/ games tv. But BOTH of us need to use the same methods. THAT was my point.

  2. You know I don’t play with mines they get besides themselves sometimes and we will not have that around here. I have never had one hit me and they had better not try it. Get ready for the back talking too mines called me an idiot….after I handled her butt she won’t be doing it again.

    1. I just had to get CDub on the same page. Pookah hasn’t ever tried to hit me. But his Daddy has never been the disciplinarian around here so he’s having to learn.

  3. I had that same issue with my now 7 yo, but a lot of it is about boundaries and consistency. I can’t recall how old your son is but if he is under 5 I will say, he is just testing his limits. I am not a fan of spanking/hitting, I did it with my 20yo but swore it off with the youngest kid. I believe kids needs to know that home (including the family) is the safe place in this world, but disrespect is not okay.

    I think you answered your own question, if you and Dad aren’t enforcing the boundaries and setting limits and being on the same page, well kids are kids and they are like lawyers, they will find that loop hole. My partner & I weren’t on the same page for years and it took us both sitting down and meeting each other in the middle to establish rules and at that point the “spoiled” behavior disappeared.

    However it means commitment even when you are dead tired and giving in seems easier. Good luck.

    1. Yes, it’s all about consistency around here and both of us being on the same page. I don’t really like spanking, and therefore, I haven’t used it. But it is on my maybe list. But he’s only 2 and its not time for that. I do however, tap a hand or a leg or a butt every now and then to reinforce a point.

  4. I agree that your husband has to set those boundaries more with Pookah, but if you need to tap that butt every once and a while do what you must. I didn’t play when it came to that, my youngest wanted to bite, spit and do things to the kids at school when she was between 6-8. We handled that, and she quickly quit that mess. Nope, wasn’t having it…

  5. Yeah, I feel your pain, my son did the same thing to my husband. He caught it that day like never before. He definitely will never do that again. My husband is the disciplinarian, and he doesn’t let up but I realize that I need to take a strong hand myself. As a previous commenter said, I have heard “testing limits” a lot when it comes to the toddler but I don’t want him to get used to it either.

  6. Uh oh. Not the hitting. I wish Jas would. Jas is spoiled by everyone but me and that’s a problem really because she know who to act out with and then I come and lay down the law. I’m always the bad guy but I refuse to let her get out of hand.

  7. It really comes to consistency. I am way more lenient than Chris so consistency is something we need to work on too. I’m completely against spanking though.

    1. Yep, it’s all about consistency. And now that CDub and I will be on the same page, hopefully we will see some changes around here.

  8. Whoa!! I think about high school Chunks whenever he starts storming around here too he has to fear me until he gets to the stage where he loves me too much to jump at me. Firm hand mama just don’t look into the dimple!

    1. LOL. I know, he looks so precious, even when he’s being bad or crying! He’s been looking at us like we’re crazy the last few days

  9. This is my fear that our little boy will be spoiled too…we are trying to let him cry sometimes but then his pout is sooo cute we pick him just to cuddle! Good luck with Pookah!

    1. Thanks. Pookah’s dimple got us in this mess in the first place. LOL. We’re doing good though. We just had to all come to an understanding.

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