The Sick House
It’s 630 am, and I finally made it downstairs after being confined to my bed or the bathroom since about noon yesterday. Yes, I caught Pookah’s cooties. Not cool. It was so bad, C-Dub came home from work on his own and is working from home today because he said the two of us are “pitiful”. Sigh. Yes we are.
I’m drinking a glass of gateraid right now, because my stomach is waaaaay too empty and I’m weak. Also tired of the bed. And this is probably the only time I will make it back to my computer today.
I had plans for a post, but oh well, life sometimes gets in the way. If it wasn’t NaBloPoMo, you guys wouldn’t have heard from me at all.
Hope you all have a great day.
Don’t you hate that it just passes from the baby to you or from you to the babies. We are in the same boat the girl is sick now the boy was coughing last night the hubs throat is itchy. *sigh* That’s why I am not a fan of winter. Hope you all get better soon.
Hope you feel better soon. Sounds awful : (
You guys get better soon!
Once baby’s sick Mama’s sniffles aren’t far away. Awww hope you two feel better. (As soon as you’re both 100% watch CDub get sick lol…domino effect)
That was me last week – hope you feel better soon!!!
Thank you!
Awe… I hope you and Pooka feel better soon. Some nasty things are going around. I’m struggling to get rid of a nasty cough that won’t go away.
Hope your cough gets better! Take care of yourself!