A few things on a friday.


  • Pookah had his belt ceremony yesterday. I’m so proud. He kept saying, now I am the master! I’m showing my age when I say that the first thing that came in my head was ” you are the last dragon…….” If you know what movie that comes from, then you are showing your age LOL
  • My mother finally took it upon herself and got a physical therapy evaluation for my Dad in the house. And just as I have been trying to tell her and anyone who would listen: he need to be in rehab. The physical therapist said that frankly, she is afraid for both of them and she doesn’t understand how he got to go home. And now, the fight to get through red tape begins. The facility wants to do their own evaluation before they admit him. But my mother told them: I can’t even get him out of bed, how am I going to get him to you?? So they’ve been going back and forth for 3 days trying to get him somewhere. SMH. Pray
  • What happened to Spring? It was hot as hades at 7 this morning.
  • Did you read the Ta-Nehisi Coates article The Case for Reparations over at the Atlantic? It’s a long read, but guys…read it. That is one powerful piece of writing

And that’s all I’ve got for you this Friday morning as I rush to go to work and exercise and get a pedicure. Yes, I need one so bad BEFORE work. It’s sad ya’ll. Sad.

Anyway, enjoy your holiday weekend! See you Tuesday!



  1. I know that movie so I’m right there with you.
    Pookah is too cute in that picture! Congrats to him!
    I hope this process isn’t drawn out to much longer for your parents.
    I started the article because of your tweet. Like Kalley, I’m slowly making my way through it.

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