Random Thoughts on a Tuesday

Hey Folks.

I’ve got a lot of my mind, so…..

Justice for Trayvon is still elusive.  I’m so disappointed in our justice system and in the opinions of some people that I see online and in real life.  Of some people that I work with. SMH.

Pookah has pink eye. #blankstare  On top of the allergies that have him itching and sneezing and hiving….When I picked him up from daycare and saw that right eye running, I just knew.  So I made a mad dash to the urgent care( dr too far away) and got diagnosed.  On the bright side, we got steroids for the allergies too to help him out.  Its just that bad. Hopefully this helps.

I need to get to dayshift….badly….like now…I don’t know what I’ll do if she tells me I can’t go in June…Probably blow the joint up or something.  Just kidding…kinda…

We took Pookah to the park on Sunday, and I realized something: there are a LOT of unfriendly kids out there.  Pookah is naturally friendly. He sees little kids playing and he wants to play too. He says hi.  I’ve taught him to be polite.  But there were several children giving Pookah the cold shoulder or the evil eye.  And I didn’t like it. These were 3 and 4 year olds. Where are they learning it? From their parents that’s who.  And I have to put this out there, but the white kids and their parents were FAR more friendlier than the black ones. Now that’s really sad. It was almost like Pookah was a threat. WTH? If I say hi, say hi. Why is there an attitude at the park on a beautiful sunny afternoon when all my child wants to do is play with yours?

I made good grits for the first time ever on Monday. I’ve known the concept of cooking them forever. I watched my mother do it every Sunday. But I could never get them JUST right with that right amount of creaminess.  Well, thanks to finally closely observing my mother when she was here and from a co worker whose grits are the BOMB.com, I finally made the perfect pan of grits….and promptly ate the whole pan.

Even though I have baby fever hard, I’ve officially decided to put it off.  I can’t take another child, and my marriage is not ready for another child right now.  I had to be truthful with myself. It’s hard. But when I go get my pap smear, that IUD is going in.

I did try talking to my husband about why I’m so tired lately (i.e. why he isn’t getting any as much as he would like). That didn’t go so well.  Which is another reason the IUD is going in.

My birthday is in 11 days…….. #itsacelebration

I’m still campaigning for the iPad 3……

I know you all have been wondering when I’m going to go another Random Tuesdays Work Edition. I have a post in mind, but it won’t be funny.

I need to get on dayshift. But I said that already didn’t I?

And finally, a random photo of Pookah, because what post would complete without one?


Sweet Shot Day


  1. Oh my, your son is just adorable!! Praying you get your heart’s disire on all the things you shared.

    Sorry about those kids that are not friendly. Truly it is their loss!

    Keep hanging in there…

  2. Some kids just are not friendly neither are adults I hate when my child is saying hi to someone and they don’t say hi back pisses me off. I am keeping my fingers crossed for day shift. Another kid is ruff believe me I know. That ipad……*sigh* I don’t think I will be getting one but I had such high hopes.

  3. I may not be able to cook that well but I can whip the hell out of some grits. They have to cook for at least 30 minutes with a consistent stir and periodic pouring in of a little water until the desired consistency. They be all over my grits over here!!

    I am praying for you a dayshift. I know its hard to put off the baby but adding a new one is such a strain. Get everything in order so you can enjoy your new bundle whenever it comes.

    1. I wasn’t cooking them long enough or stirring them enough! And I added a secret ingredient that made them off the chain!! My mouth is still watering just thinking about them!

  4. Sorry about the bad playground experience. That’s just plain crappy.

    I’ve never had grits that I know of. 😉 Have had cornmeal though – cooked up like oatmeal for breakfast.

    Cute real life shot! 😀

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