Using Shutter Speed to Stop Motion

This week’s challenge for our #mylifesphotos challenge is Motion.

It’s a wonderful thing to capture with your camera.

But have you ever tried to capture motion and come out with a photo like this?
SS 1-50

All blurred and not quite what you were visualizing?

There is a fix for that and it’s called Shutter Speed. In the photo above, my shutter speed was 1/50.  Not fast enough to capture Pookah jumping for joy on my bed.
SS 1-250
( settings: f/3.2 ISO 6400 Shutter Speed: 1/250)

Almost! But still not quite “freezing” motion.



( both Shutter Speed 1/320)


So get out there and show us motion! Don’t forget to link up with the hashtag #mylifesphotos!



  1. my cell has a feature like this that works quite well. My digital cam had one too called “Kids” I guess they knew kids are always in motion lol.

  2. I’ve been trying to do more in manual and keep seeing that if you want to capture motion keep shutter speed at at least 1/125. So I’ve been doing that and sacrificing ISO when necessary. I’ve been really happy with the results because kids don’t care lol.
    I love his face because clearly he enjoyed “having” to jump on the bed for pictures.

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