
I have 7 days until my next OB appointment.  The one they call the “official” OB workup.  Questions I guess, and blood blood blood.  Maybe I’ll even get to see the baby bean again!  Or at least hear the heartbeat.  Can you hear it with a Doppler at 9 weeks 6 days?  So the torture continues until then.  I’ll just have to wait.  It’s only 7 days from now.  So until then, I’ll be waiting…….

I wish I could just have something like a webcam in there, so that anytime I got anxious, I could sneak a peek.  I just want to be able to look and him/her about once a day to see what he/she is up to.  Why hasn’t someone invented this!!!!!!

Anyway.  Nothing else new.

That’s good. 

C-Dub’s 4th interview is tomorrow.  Turns out it is a phone interview with a senior vice president of something or other.    Hopefully, this is the last stop and then they offer him the job sans urine test.  But most likely, it will be, take the test, start on Monday if you pass.


Well, the drug store ones were negative.  But are the ones in the office stronger?  Lord have mercy! I am trying to trust God on this one too, but it’s hard! I think it just burns me that I can’t do anything about it. 


But wait.

Wait for my next ultrasound…….wait for C-Dub to get the job……wait to see if he passes the drug screen…..wait for the end of the first trimester…………wait for me to be able to quit my second job………wait for the baby to be born………



  1. there is nothing else in life but waiting when you are ttc…then it seems it should stop, but it doesn’t…there is just more waiting after the bfp! i swear god gave me IF just so i would learn patience. its not working!

    i hope your dh gets the job. it sounds very promising. i’ve been laid off since july 08, and its really tough out there. i’m sorry he had such a massive and badly-timed lapse of judgement. yikes. i would want to kill him, too, but no one is perfect either.

    and may i just say – your bewbs are looking luscious!


  2. Can d-dub pretend he has to go out of town for a week to delay the test for a week? Surely that would give you enough time. Good luck with the waiting. I have my first ultrasound next Thursday at app. 7 weeks. I am getting really anxious!

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