So what does it mean????

(Thanks again Hasbro for the GREAT time and my son adores you!)
So, did I enjoy Blogher?


Will I be going again?


BlogHer was fabulous. It was priceless in terms of networking, making new friends, learning  more about this blogging life.  There is something so wonderful about being around like minded people. Everyone understands when you say: “I’ve got to tweet that!” or ” Let me instagram this” . Everyone GOT it! No one looked at me funny because they were all doing it to! ( including Martha Stewart. )

So I’m looking forward to attending Blogher again next year for the same experiences.  In fact, I think I just like blogging conferences period.  Type A is coming to Atlanta next year and I might check that out. Even though I’m not a type a person. And if Blogalicious HAPPENS to be close by next year, I might do that too. And I’ve always wanted to go to Evo….and Blissdom..( even though they moved to Texas this year)…..just saying…..

So anyhoo, that brings me to My Life/my blog.

There are going to be a few changes coming around in the next few weeks/months and I hope you guys stick with me.   For instance:

I’m using my real name.  You might have noticed that on my photos, I changed my watermark to my real name.  I started taking photos for Kokoa Magazine under my real name. And a few folks in real life found my blog and the world didn’t crash. Plus, I don’t say much on here that I woudn’t say to someone’s face. Sooooo…….

Hello, my name is LaShawn.

Now Roses Daughter will still be my twitter handle,my instagram name.  But here, in my space, I’m LaShawn.  SO when I comment on your blog, I’ll be LaShawn….so don’t think I’m spam!

Next: I’m going back to a five day a week posting schedule. If you read my post yesterday, you understand why. It’s going to be a little difficult at first. But with me finally FINALLY offically going to dayshift in less than two weeks, I think I can do it.

And finally, a few housekeeping items:

  • Did you know I had a facebook page?????? Yes, please please please LIKE my page!!! PLEASE!!!!!( see my sidebar or click here.)
  • SUBSCRIBE to my blog! LOL You know you want to get my awesomeness in your inbox every morning!
  • I just KNOW you follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest……RIGHT????????
Well, that’s the end of my week of BlogHer awesomeness. I really really enjoyed myself and wish I could go to more conferences more often. But I will be planning to go to the biggest blog conference ever in Chigaco next July. 
Hopefully  I’ll see you there!


  1. Welcome to the world of putting your real identity/name out there! It’s scary at first but you’ll get used to it. 😉

    Also? I will be there next year. I had better see you!

  2. Well it’s nice to meet you LaShawn….I am still not using my real name but I think it’s a great step. Can’t wait to see the changes you make.

  3. you go girl! I feel all liberated with this post! I’m going to try for 5 days a week too. I don’t know what the hell ima write about, but I suppose that is all apart of the challenge!

    I’m making some changes to my website as well, its all so intimidating!

  4. Well lookie who’s coming outta the blog closet. I see Blogher got to you! I’m not ready to take that step yet but I amsure it will come eventually.

  5. Very nice to meet you LaShawn! It’s a huge step using your real name out there, but it is liberating to be just you online. Looking forward to the changes and more posts.

  6. Yaaay! Come on out, my dear! Thanks again for posting so much content from the conference, it was really helpful. I’ll be applying several tips to my new site and blog when it launches.

  7. Go, you!! I’m so happy for you! I was scared too, at first, to put my real name out there, but now, I’m so happy I did! We work hard on our blogs, so we deserve the credit!

  8. Hey Lashawn. I guess I’ll put mine out there eventually for the few that don’t know what it is or how to say it properly!!

    Looking forward to the changes. I am trying to go to 5 days a week as well. I am comfortable in it being weekend posts sometimes. The week can get hectic so I’m not going to make it M-F. We’ll see!

  9. LaShawn, I’m very excited about the changes to the blog! I’ve been a faithful lurker for over a year. Your work recaps are the best. I had a natural birth at an “urban” hospital and witnessed enough mayhem and foolishness to last a lifetime! Reading your stories always bring take me back and bring a smile to my face. Keep writing and keep posting; you have an audience.

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