Everyday Eyecandy

the day he grew up too fast

Let me tell you about this photo.

You see, Pookah has wild curly hair. Every morning, in order to manage it, we wet it, put leave in conditioner in, add a grease/oil to help it shine. THEN AND ONLY THEN, do I comb it or brush it.

Pookah wanted to do it himself.

I was resistant. NO, I said, you can’t do it.( thinking only of the mess and how much time it was going to take since I was rushing to get to the store before the church folks).

But he persisted. And that little mouth was all poked out.

So I handed him the comb.

A snapped the photo.

This photo is not art.

It’s not full of gorgeous light and a Pinterest worthy bathroom and a perfectly smiling kid.

It’s real.

It’s a real moment that happened in our lives that was beautiful. That Everyday Eyecandy that I strive for .That I want YOU to strive for.

Because years from now, I’m going to see this photo and remember this time. The clutter on the sink,  the bottle of Benadryl that is always present, and that pout.

And the first time my boy combed his own hair.


Want tips on taking photos of your own Everyday Eyecandy? Don’t forget to sign up here for the new Everyday Eyecandy Newsletter that will be coming out soon.


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