3 months old…..or how time flies
Today, my baby boy is 3 months old.
Things I know for sure:
I love my baby with every fiber of my being. I had heard about the love of a mother, but didn’t really fully understand it. I love that little boy so much that it is almost impossible to explain.
He is a happy baby. I love the spontaneous smiles when he sees me or his daddy or his granny or grandpa. I love that great belly laugh he has when I say something or do something that he thinks is funny.
Sleep is a wonderful thing to have back. Pookah still doesn’t sleep all the way through the night, but he has only been waking up once, maybe twice after I put him down around 8pm.
Breastfeeding is hard, but it gets better, and I have a healthy fat thriving baby to prove it.
Pookah is starting to make all those wonderful noises. Agoo, hmmmahhhh, hiiiiiiii, ahhhhh…….etc etc etc. It’s like he’s talking to me. And he knows how to make himself known. He doesn’t cry, he just starts babbling in an angry voice!
He is now wearing 6 to 9 month clothes. But he doesn’t look huge. He looks proportional. He’s a long baby now. But still has those chubby cheeks.
Life is harder in general, but it has so much more joy in it than before. Motherhood is the hardest thing that I have ever done. But everyday when I wake up and see him I think:
It’s worth it. Really it is.
He is such a cutie! I am happy to hear that BF gets easier. It gives me some hope of survival.
Babies do make the cutest noises! AC will coo at me, too,
Our sons are soooo similar! Kaua is 3 months old today too, and is also in 6 month clothing, is only getting up once a night, sometimes twice, and pretty much says the same things pookah says.
Wow he is too cute for words!!! Love the dimples.