35 weeks

35 weeks down

5 to go.


Had a fly by appointment on Wednesday, nothing new.  I learned that there will be no more ultrasounds unless something is wrong. 🙁

But moving on:

How far along? 35 weeks today.
Total Weight Gain? Let’s just say like one my midwives said: it is what it is.
Maternity Clothes? I’m running out.  I am down to 2 pair of jeans, a pair of stretchy black pants(yoga like), a pair of capris, and a thick maternity sweater I found at Ross.  I hope it doesn’t get too cold before I deliver.
Stretch Marks? NONE!!! The cocoa butter is still being slathered on everyday religiously.
Sleep? What’s that?  I now wake up on the hour, every hour, to pee, or change sides, or to readjust a pillow…..you get the point.
Best Moment this week? Getting a Boppy from my baby brother.  Who has no idea what it’s for.  When I tried to explain, I think I heard him gag!
Food Cravings?  Food, any type of food.   Oh, and the Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  Did you know they have a new Red Velvet Cheesecake? OMG!
Sex? It had better still be a boy in there!
Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks out the yin yang.  Especially when I have to pee.  Which is all the time. So………
Belly Button? Not exactly a innie, but not exactly a outee.  Very weird.
What I miss the most? Bending over from the waist.
What am I looking forward to the most? Seeing what he looks like.  Will he look as chubby and cute as I dream he will??? 🙂
Milestones? Reaching one appointment a week.  It means the end is in sight! 


  1. Oh my gosh – you are almost there – so exciting! I hope you have a safe and healthy delivery and baby!

    And thank you for the heads up on the red velvet cheesecake – I had no idea. I am going TOMORROW! 🙂


  2. You’re almost there, that’s so exciting!! I remember wondering what our son would like like as well! Congrats!

  3. You’re almost there, that’s so exciting!! I remember wondering what our son would like like as well! Congrats! Happy ICLW!

  4. Oh sweetie! I’m glad you’re doing so well. You’re almost there! The last weeks are the hardest but you can do it!

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