5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Photography



Have you ever taken a photo of , and felt just Blah about it?

Sometimes, it’s not about a new lens or a new camera when you find yourself uninspired in your photography.  Today we are going to talk about something that doesn’t cost you anything.  Because sometimes, making a better photo is just a simple as changing your point of view!


The first inclination of course, is to just take a photo, head on:

head on


But these five different tips are guaranteed to help improve your photography!


1) Try shooting from above your subject.: get on a chair, stand on the toilet in the bathroom……

from above cj

2) Shoot at their level. This is a great perspective for kids. You get to see things from their point of view!

eye level-2
3) Get Below your subject. Lay on the floor, ( or on the ground like I did here) on your back. Shoot UP at your subject!

from below cj
4) Zero in on a small detail in the photo…..


5) Back up.  Back up.  Make the surrounding scenery help tell the story.


Final thought: To improve your photography takes Practice Practice Practice!! After a while, you won’t even have to think as these angles/perspectives become as natural as picking up your camera!

Now go forth and SHOOT! I can’t wait to see how your photography improves!







  1. Thanks for these tips! I’m trying to improve my skills especially for the blog and I appreciate the tip on getting on their level to get their perspective. My trouble is taking pics of my son who is very active. Maybe you’re planning to do a post on that in the future *wink* *wink*

  2. Love the tips I like getting on the ground the most for some reason I just started standing on stuff since I am so short.

  3. I love these tips, and I love how something so simple can make such a change. The tip about getting level with kids for photos makes such a cute difference! Thanks for sharing!

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