

It’s Friday, and I’m exhausted. this has been an emotionally draining week. The short version of the story is that I had to make a quick run to Alabama at 6pm on Sunday evening because my father had another stroke. And a seizure. AND my mother ended up doing chest compressions because he wasn’t breathing.


By the time I got there, he was in the ICU, stable, mad he had to stay.

It’s a hard thing to see the man who has always been bigger than life to you looking small and vulnerable in a hospital ICU bed.

After I had assured myself and my mother and spoken to drs, I headed back home around 10 pm. Got back here at around 2 AM.

Got up, and went on with my week.

Our potty issues seemed like they were getting better( no accidents) but yesterday, Pookah woke up wet, peed on the living room floor and then had a coughing fit later on that night the ended in a wet, frustrated, meltdown.


And I have to go work in the hospital tomorrow because remember I stayed on PRN? Yeah, that one shift a month is tomorrow. I’ll go. Because I’ve got plans for my birthday! ( yes YOU Canon 6D).

I’m exhausted. Not from the job, just because I’ve been running on fumes since Monday morning.

Hopefully next week will be better.



  1. Goodness I hope next week is better. I hope your dad gets better they can be so stubborn. Is your 90 days up yet ….call in so you can catch up on some rest.

  2. You said something that brought back a lot of memories for me…when my daddy got sick I thought the same thing. I will pray for his recovery and strength and for your mom that she has the strength to continue to love and support her husband.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. I’ll keep your family in my prayers. Hopefully, next week will be better. 🙂

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