I know somebody is probably getting tired of these posts but….

today I have no symptoms.



I am not peeing a lot.

I am not nauseated.

I am not super hungry.

My boobs don’t hurt.

Haven’t noticed any excessive discharge.

No dizziness.

I’m not tired.

It’s just so abrupt.

Like the last time.

I am sooooo afraid.

Soooo worried.

Am I pregnant today?


  1. You are still pregnant, until you are told otherwise. Don’t panic sweet pea. Think pregnant thoughts. Does your unit have an u/s machine or a doppler? Run over and borrow it. Only suggestions I can offer, hon. *think, think, think*

  2. I like what Nina said, “you are pregnant until you are told otherwise.”

    I was pregnant with twins and did not have symptoms some days, so it doesn’t indicate anything.

  3. Nobody is getting tired of these posts. This is what we are here for. Of course it is scary. Please keep talking to us about it. I am holding you in my heart today.

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