Taking a Vacation…

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So here’s the thing.

I’m slightly bored with this blog right now.

And life has been getting in the way, or rather has been more interesting/intense/busy/overwhelming/stressful.

So if you don’t see a post from me for a while, forgive me, I’m trying to figure it out over here.

Blogging has become a chore rather than something I enjoy, and I’m trying to figure out why I would rather read, binge watch House of Cards and take photos rather than blog.

Maybe I need a break?

Maybe I need a redesign?

Funny since I applied for a Blogership back in February and was actually picked by the folks over at Blogher to volunteer in exchange for my ticket price. The irony.

I have a few obligations that I will keep up with ( my photography blog circles) but other than that, I think I’m going to take the month of March off. Yes, numbers will suffer, but I’m past the point of caring about numbers anyway. If I’m going to blog, I’m going to blog. The end.

I’ll still be on twitter and instagram. I can’t promise Facebook, but maybe.

I’ll still pop in on your blogs and Facebook pages and twitter, but that’s about all I can manage right now.

See you soon.


  1. Take what you love, photography, redesign (but please don’t use the bozo I did) and do photo essays. Less writing, more photos with nice titles. You could have a weekly theme and tell the story with pictures…. Especially like the “progress” of my house across from you.

  2. I get this. I think when I do blog a lot, I lose interest in blogging more. I find that taking breaks to live life, to do other things, to just be…it does wonders for me. I do enjoy blogging, but I enjoy it when it’s done out of love rather than obligations. So I say all this to say: Enjoy your life! We will be here when and if you return!! xo.

  3. I get in those moods and then I get re energized. The key is do it because you want to. I took a break a few weeks ago. It’s good to live in the moment and indulge in the things that interest you in the present.

  4. How many time I get those moods. I believe lately I’m doing something on my blog that makes me happy and inspires me to blog even more. I hope you find the spark for blogging again. I’ll see you over at IG 🙂

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