9 weeks 5 days.

So tomorrow is my “official” OB workup appointment.  God am I glad I made it for this week and not for next.  I don’t think i would have been able to make it that long with my sanity in tact.

Nothing new symptom wise to report.  The morning sickness has slowed down considerably.  As long as I eat.  Bacon.  and Orange juice. ……..and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Strange cravings.

I need some reassurance, and hope I get it tomorrow.  I am so desperate to hear or see my little one, I don’t know what to do.  I am going to have to restrain myself tomorrow from not getting on my knees and begging and begging and begging.

In other news, C-Dub LOVES the new job.  LOVES IT!  Of course, he can’t see why I bug him every day about when is he getting paid, but HELLO!

Still no pee tests.  🙂

So it is also official that I am getting fat.  I can only fit into 2 pairs of pants.  My fat pants.  SHAME!

But I have this undue fear of exercise.  That I will probably get over once my 2nd trimester is here.

Anyway, that’s all for now. 

I’ll update tomorrow!


  1. PB&J is total comfort food for me. You could be like InVitroVeritas and be literally craving pickles & ice cream. 🙂 I can’t wait to hear how your appointment goes.

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