Anger Management

Pookah needs anger management lessons.

Or rather, I need lessons on how to handle his anger.

In the last few weeks, or days literally, my sweet easy going child has turned into this angry, crying, whining, hitting, throwing monster child that I don’t recognize.

I’ve tried being stern and just saying no. Very firmly.

I’ve tried tapping him on his hand.

I’ve tried putting him in baby time out( basically, sitting him beside me and not letting him get up).

I’ve tried holding his hand when he tries to hit me for the fifty 11th time. And saying no.

I’ve tried to redirect.

I’ve tried to ignore.

I’ve tried to bribe.

Nothing works.  The behavior continues.

And I wonder where it came from? Where did the screaming come from?

Where did the hitting come from? I’ve never hit him.  C-Dub and I don’t hit each other.  he doesn’t watch violent television.  Only Dinosaur Train.

Where did this attitude come from???

Where is my sweet baby?

Does anyone else have this problem or have you had this problem? If so, what did you do?



  1. Jasmine hit a year and started acting sort of the same way. i guess the biggest thing for me was the tantrums. Her falling out because she doesn’t get her way. The thing is i know shes at that age now so I dont fuss too much but when she kicks up she gets a stern NO! That usually does it for us. Or she has to go sit on my bed by herself until she calm down.
    I don’t allow hitting but I know some of the kids at daycare hit so I know thats where she gets it from. She dare not hit me but she has tried that hitting stuff on her cousins and even once on my Mom smh. My advice it to just keep being consistent. Thats what works. Once you let up he will have thought he won and you really dont want that!

  2. *hug*
    I so remember this time, it hit around a year old and lasted for a good 6 months or so. I have to say, it could be communication. The frustration comes when their little minds understand what they want and yet they arent able to communicate it. I’d work on signs and repeat, “nice hands,” when he hits.

    I’d also take a look to see if there’s a pattern, is he hungry, tired, or over stimulated? He could even be bored. We would have to take Maddie outside when she would get into a funk simply b/c she was bored with us. 🙂

    You could also try giving more choices. Do you want this or this, holding up the item, seeing if he’ll choose a toy or food/cup. He seems a little young for wanting more independence but you never know. 🙂

    Good luck, and it will end…one day 🙂

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  4. I agree with everyone else. Lewis is 17 months and I know it is the inability to communicate that frustrates him. We don’t have foolproof methods to deal with the tantrums. We try everything you listed and sometimes one or the other works. He also seems to respond sometimes to “go sit down” – maybe he will be a good candidate for time out LOL! I just tend to ride the storm out though because it is usually brief.

    I’m not looking forward to the terrible two’s if this is 17 months!

  5. HUH! Chunks started this hitting and pushing crap a few weeks ago out of no where, he still does it with the Mr and my cousins but he doesn’t try it with me. He pushed me once, I grabbed his arm got down to him and asked him what his problem was and then explained “I didn’t touch you, why are you touching me? Use your words” not too soft but not yelling either and he got it! Now it just takes a look and he gets it together. Just stay firm and let him know it’s NOT COOL, he’ll get it. He probably just misses you being up and about, Good Luck

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