As Seen In My Life.
We are all sick now! SMH. Of course, Pookah got his from me…..Poor Pookah!
We’re getting geared up for Christmas around here, so this post will be brief. I’ve got 3 more gift to get, and I’m going to Macy’s TODAY to get them. It looks like the furniture won’t arrive until AFTER my guests arrive. #FAIL. And I still need to clean the carpet.
But it’s OK!
Anyway, check you guys later, have a great Hump Day!
Pookah takes the best pics! My toddler won’t stay still bout 1.5 secs and I can’t ever get a good shot without something being blurry, ugh! lol
Aww, sorry to hear that you guys are sick. Hope everything clears up by the time Christmas times rolls around.
Lovely pictures, I love the lighting.
Poor things! Get better soon…as if you have a choice with the holidays coming. Cute pic of Pookah!