
It’s that time again! So without further ado….

This month, I’m Currently….

Watching: Nothing. Oh I take that back, I’m still watching Season 2 of House of Cards. I just finished episode 11 yesterday morning while I was on the elliptical. Thank.GOD no one was home to hear all of the screaming I was doing. OKAY? Cause Frank and em had me freaked the hell out!


Listening: To XM Radio. I got a new car this month and it came with 3 months of free XM radio. My favorite stations are 80s on 8, 90s on 9 and Backspin. I have been JAMMIN! Yes, I’m the weird one who is in the car dancing to Jump by Van Halen one minute,screaming along with Alanis Morrisette about Isn’t it Ironic and nodding my head to Big Daddy Kane all in one car ride. Awwwww Yea( in my Big Daddy Kane Voice. Wasn’t he fine as hell?)


Planning: The photography part of our San Francisco vacation. What lens am I renting and bringing?.What camera bag should I take? How many memory cards? What do I want to take photos of? The planning is almost as glorious as taking the photos.Yes, I am that photography nerd…..


Thinking About: Getting older. I told my boss yesterday that I was 38. My boss laughed and told me she had shoes older than me. ( MA’AM???) It’s not that I’m worried about getting older per say. It’s just that it seems like the older I get, the faster time goes. Don’t you remember when it used to take forever for a school year to go by? Forever for your birthday to get here? Or forever for that whole year to go by so it was Christmas again? Now I feel like I blink and there is another milestone for Pookah, or another birthday or another Christmas. I’m so scared that I’m not taking the time to enjoy it in the grind of everyday life. I think that’s why I’m so obsessed with capturing all of the everyday moments I can.

Looking Forward to: Fourth of July weekend at my parent’s house. We ( Cdub and I) were supposed to run the Peachtree Road Race( yeah I had THE SAME look on my face as you have on yours right now when our bib numbers came in the mail.) but we came to our senses. And really, who knows how many more Fourth of July’s I will have with my Dad? We are planning a small family barbecue followed by a massive fish fry with various cousins, aunts, uncles and fireworks. Can’t wait.

Reading: It’s time for my annual re-reading of the Harry Potter Series. #noshame #butdontjudgeme

Making me Happy: These pretty yellow flowers climbing my driveway. Everyday when I come home, their bright cheerful color just seems to be waving and me. My own slice of Everyday Eyecandy.

currently 2


What’s currently going on in your life? Do the same prompts on your blogs and tag me so I can read them!


  1. Isn’t House of Cards AMAZING!? Lol I swear if it was on TV on Thursday nights I’d never watch Scandal…yep that good. I feel like now that I’m older I don’t know where the time is going. Ooo how long will you be in San Fran!?? We’re going to DC in a few weeks and I’ve been looking for must take ideas all week lol

  2. I am waiting for Scandal until then I don’t watch tv much around these parts. I still feel young thank goodness since I am in my early 30’s you are reminding me to slow down now and enjoy before I get as young as you 🙂

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