Cut the Fluff, Week 2

Soooo, last week was really a bust because I came home the same weight as I was before I left.  That could be seen as a victory though!

Soooo, this week, I plan on:

  • Going to the gym at least twice, and get on the elliptical( got to ease myself back into this!)
  • Going to the track with Pookah and the stroller at least once
  • And finally, using my Wii Fit for a workout.

So that is four workouts this week at at least 30 minutes each.  That equals 2 hours.

According to this website, I should be drinking 92 oz of water per day.  YIKES!!!!!!!!  I’m going to try seriously!

And it’s back to counting calories.  I have this application on my computer and phone for a long while. It REALLY helped me last time I lost 30 pounds, so since it’s tried and true, I am going to use it again.

So wish me luck! And don’t forget to check out my other girls in Cut The Fluff!!!


  1. You did great, seeing as you were on vacation and didn’t gain. Go girl! Also, I didn’t know you’ve lost 30 lbs before! That’s wonderful! How did you do it? I guess counting calories cuz that’s what works, we just have to stick to it lol

  2. I have a hard time drinking water at home but it is very easy for me to drink in the car or at work. I buy the big deer park sports water bottles from Costco. They are each about 24oz. I usually finish one during my morning workout and another 2-3 at work. Having a large amount easily available is key for me. If I have to keep getting up to refill, I won’t do it.

  3. I told my best friend that I’d go walking in the morning at the same time that she’s walking (she lives in a different state). I’m hoping that will keep me honest. I read once that the key to getting enough water is to drink a glass before and after every time you eat and with each meal. So one glass before breakfast, with breakfast, and after breakfast. I’ve never tried it but I love water so I don’t have a problem getting a big cold glass.

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