A Elf on the Shelf Birthday Party with Niche Parent

How was your weekend?

Mine went by too fast! I was busy planning and getting ready for Pookah’s first day of Kindergarten today.

But on Saturday, I took the time out to attend a Elf on the Shelf Birthday Party event sponsored by Niche Parent and founder Nadia Jones at a Piece of Cake here in Atlanta.

I was invited, along with a few other bloggers, to a hear Co Author and Co Founder of The Elf on the Shelf  Chanda A Bell speak about a new product that they are introducing: The Elf on the Shelf Birthday Tradition.

I know around Christmas time, you’ve seen that pesky ingenious elf all over your timelines, instagram and Facebook feed.  But afterwards, he always goes away for another year.

But I know I’ve had Pookah ask: why Mama? Why can’t he come visit us again?


Now, with this new birthday tradition, for 24 hours, the elf comes out again! FOR BIRTHDAYS!



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There is a new story: The Elf on the Shelf a Birthday Tradition, and the chance to make wonderful new memories!  There is even a cute little Birthday outfit for your elf!

But my favorite part of this new tradition is the birthday chair decoration kit( something I know Pookah will adore) and the Birthday Countdown and Game!!! I can’t wait to use it for Pookah’s birthday!!

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To say I’m excited about this is an understatement. With Pookah’s birthday coming in a few months, I have already begun the planning and thinking about what type of party/things I’m going to do for his birthday! I love that this is something different yet so familiar for him to enjoy!  And as a bonus, Elf on the Shelf  is donating $1 from the sale of each Elf Birthday book swill support the Charity Water organization.  Charitywater.org is a organization that helps to bring clean and safe drinking water to women and children all over the world.

To find out more about this new Elf on the Shelf  Birthday party tradition, head over to the Elf on the Shelf Birthday Tradition website! You know your kids would LOVE an extra visit form the elf!

Follow @elfontheshelf on twitter and  the Facebook page also.

** I was gifted the Elf on the Shelf Birthday tradition set at this event. But all opinions are my own**



One Comment

  1. I was able to attend the NY event 🙂 It was super cool!! I enjoyed learning about the tradition and where it all started. I am happy to know that some of the stuff we see on the internet is not at all what elf on the shelf is all about. sidenote, I might be taking my husband to niche parent with me on a couple trip (its his bday weekend 🙂

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